
Showing posts with label Mainstream Society. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mainstream Society. Show all posts

Friday, March 11, 2022

Why, Read Serena Jade's Books, Take Her Courses, Go On Her Retreats, Or Work...One on One with Her?

Why Read Serena Jade's Books, Take Her Courses, Go On Her Retreats, Or Work...One on One with Her?

In her book Archetypes, Caroline Myss says, "The life journey of the visionary is one of envisioning new possibilities and bringing the future into the present. Visionaries are often outsiders, not fitting in becomes their best asset.

Author Eckhart Tolle also said, "Being an outsider, someone who does not fit in with others or is rejected by them, MAKES LIFE DIFFICULT. But it also places them at an advantage as far as enlightenment is concerned. It takes them out of [society's mindset] almost by force."

Serena Jade is a Mystic. The esoteric wisdom of all religions are very similar, they focus on the soul within the person, and a God that cannot be named. When someone embarks on the esoteric path, they are mystics. This is not about belief, this is about self-knowledge, which leads them to remember their soul, and the Transcendent Force of the Universe.

"There is some sort of discoverable truth to existence, that is its unified nature. I think if you leave someone isolated for long enough. They will come to the same conclusions. And the same conclusions force one logically, into the same metaphysical paradigm."-Seekers of Unity

What would you do, if your mother rejected you as soon as you came into the world? What would you do, if you were labeled different  from your family members just because you are born?  What would you do if you were cast out, forgotten, abandoned, left to fend for yourself? 

This scenario becomes your life's fate, cast out from society, but you want above all else to be accepted. But that is not your reality. The reality is this is the role of the scapegoat, alone in the world. 

This has been my life's fate. However, in response to not being accepted, I followed the left handed path. I didn't follow the crowd. No one would make a conscious choice not to follow the crowd. No one would make a conscious choice to be seen as different, we want to fit in.  It is a hard, painful life, not to be accepted and cast out with no allies behind you. But the benefit of this uncomfortable fate is that, you can follow the impulse of your own feeling system. 

The crowd follows what has been handed down to them. This would include religion, love connections, and the stigma surrounding psychotherapy. The crowd cannot see past this worldview because everyone is having a collective experience. 

But the one who is not having that collective experience is the scapegoat. Now you can get stuck on the negative or you can transcend that, to witness what the collective cannot see. 

I did just that, and I can see what the collective cannot. But I also  followed my feeling system, which led me to have an unfair advantage, as far as experiencing true Soul Mates and with all the prayers in the world, My Deepest Most Profound Eternal Love.

Why Read Serena Jade's Books, Take Her Courses, Go On Her Retreats, Or Work One On One With Her? 

Why, because she has an advantage, she lives outside society's mindset. The crowd follows what has been handed down to them. This would include religion and love connections, and the stigma surrounding psychotherapy. The crowd cannot see past this worldview because everyone is having a collective experience. 

The terms Soul Mates and Twin Flames simply means to the crowd, a traditional relationship sprinkled with these esoteric terms. When she reads Soul Mates are not as intense as Twin Flames, she cringes. If the crowd really experienced and understood recognizing souls, your soul has journeyed with throughout eternity, the crowd would not be uttering this statement.  

Soul Mates are connecting from the same source Twin Flames are connecting from-the soul. And if you are not connecting from the soul, of which this is not common, especially to the handed down mindset, you are not even Soul Mates, let alone the Ultimate Soul Mate- the Deepest Most Profound Eternal Love!  

Learn from Serena Jade's experiences, studies, and travels.