
Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Has Anyone Communicated With Their Deceased Twin Flame?

On my Quora social media page, I answered a question pertaining to communication after death with a twin flame. I answered:  

Serena Jade, a psycho-spiritual author and Kundalini Tantra Yoga Teacher, delves into the captivating realm of soul mates and Twin Flames. These extraordinary connections transcend ordinary love and carry a spiritual dimension. Let’s explore further:

Soul Mates: These are rare connections where two souls resonate deeply. They share a profound bond, but their encounters are infrequent.

Twin Flames: Even rarer, Twin Flames embody the masculine and feminine polarities of the divine. Their souls hold an identical blueprint, originating from a white fiery body. Each Twin Flame is a whole complete person, destined to reunite as an androgynous whole.

Non-attachment defines the pinnacle of Soul Mates and Twin Flames. When ego steps aside, the soul prevails.

Remember, these connections are exceptionally rare. Their heightened perception transcends ordinary experiences.

In the dance of eternity, Soul Mates and Twin Flames seek each other, somewhere beyond time.

Serena Jade has penned a captivating work about the profound bond of Soul Mates, titled "Charismatic Connection: The Authentic Soul Mate Experience."

With the above being said, when my very close soul mate Chris crossed over to the other side, we were in constant contact for a good year! Remember if you are truly soul mates or twin flames, your connection is from the realm that they crossed over to. So, naturally it would make sense that you are able to still communicate with them!

Sunday, February 11, 2024

“Charismatic Connection” weaves together romance, thoroughbred racing, and the magic of soul recognition. If You’re A Romantic At Heart Or A Horse Lover, This Book Promises An Enchanting Journey Into The Realm Of Soul Mates And Their Extraordinary Charismatic Connection

Serena Jade, Charismatic- winner of the 1999 Kentucky Derby and Preakness Stakes with his Jockey Chris Antley-

Serena Jade, a psycho-spiritual author and Kundalini Tantra Yoga Teacher, delves into the captivating realm of soul mates and Twin Flames. These extraordinary connections transcend ordinary love and carry a spiritual dimension. Let’s explore further:

Soul Mates: These are rare connections where two souls resonate deeply. They share a profound bond, but their encounters are infrequent.

Twin Flames: Even rarer, Twin Flames embody the masculine and feminine polarities of the divine. Their souls hold an identical blueprint, originating from a white fiery body. Each Twin Flame is a whole, complete person, destined to reunite as an androgynous whole.

Non-attachment defines the pinnacle of Soul Mates and Twin Flames. When ego steps aside, the soul prevails.

Remember, these connections are exceptionally rare. Their heightened perception transcends ordinary experiences.

In the dance of eternity, Soul Mates and Twin Flames seek each other, somewhere beyond time.

Serena Jade, has penned a captivating work about the Profound bond of Soul Mates, titled “Charismatic Connection: The Authentic Soul Mate Experience.”

In this enchanting saga, three soul mates find themselves entangled in a web of destiny. Their past lives were filled with love for horses and fox hunting in Yorkshire, England. Now, reincarnated on the south shore of Long Island, New York, their shared passion for horses and racing draws them together once more.

The story revolves around Chris and Serena, they feel an instant soul recognition when they look into each other's eyes. Chris and Serena are drawn to each other by a powerful soul bond. They sense a deep and eternal connection that transcends the physical realm. Their love is spiritual and sublime, and every moment they spend in the presence of each other reflects their divine essence.

It is set in the world of thoroughbred racing, where a jockey named Chris Antley (yes, that Chris) and a horse named Charismatic defy the odds and win the Kentucky Derby. Through this triumph, Chris and Serena's extraordinary spiritual connection is revealed, but it also brings emotional challenges. 

Chris and Serena are drawn to each other in the dance of eternity, transcending time itself. They share a unique bond that echoes in their everlasting remembrance of each other. They sense in their hearts that fate has brought them together. But does destiny have other plans for them?

Title: Charismatic Connection: The Authentic Soul Mate Experience
  • Author: Serena Jade
  • Publication Date: December 12, 2012
  • Print Length: 271 pages
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1478397691
  • ISBN-13: 978–1478397694

Whether you’re seeking solace, love horses, or simply enjoy a beautifully written tale, “Charismatic Connection,” invites you to explore the profound bonds that transcend time and space.

Saturday, December 30, 2023

"We Are Not Twin Flames or Soul Mates By The Virtue of Our Flesh And Blood Condition." -Elizabeth Clare Prophet

"I have received hundreds and hundreds of letters concerning Twin Flames. You have to realize this knowing has nothing to do with the human sense of the word. They will tell me; they found their Twin Flame on a basis of a human love experience, or that their astrology is in polarity, or all sorts of verifications they look in the outer sense.

You must remember that Jesus Christ said, flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of heaven. We are not Twin Flames or [Soul Mates] by the virtue of our flesh and blood condition." -Elizabeth Clare Prophet

Charismatic Connection is the experience, where the connection is beyond flesh and blood-Authentic Soul Mates…

May the “eyes” of Charismatic Connection, be a Window to Your Own Intense, Electrifying Authentic Soul Mate Experience.

Experience the Amazing True Saga of a Champion Jockey and a Genuine Soul Love. As soon as Chris and Serena lock eyes, their souls recognize one another.

She is spellbound by him, and he is mesmerized by her. Eternity shines through time in their presence. They wake each other up to the caress of a spiritual love, penetrating deep within them. Their charismatic connection goes beyond an ordinary attraction. It is the deep-seated understanding each of us are fated and destined to experience.

Buy Charismatic Connection

Friday, November 24, 2023

Why Did I Convert To Judaism?

I've been around Jews my whole life. I grew up in a Jewish neighborhood on Long Island, New York. My best friend in school was Jewish, and her family invited me to Passover Seders and Rosh Hashanah dinners to celebrate with them. 

Even a Rabbi from my neighborhood, had a part in the movie "Rocky 3."

It was when my father died years later, that I had a spiritual turning point in my life. The Sufi Master, Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee would say, "one day, you will wake up and say, there is more to life than this. And the mystery of the soul...begins." 

That day is when my father died, I didn't have a belief that this unknown thing called the soul goes to heaven, nor did I have the belief that we just die, and that is it. 

I grew up Roman Catholic, but my family was not religious. So, I questioned, why is there only one son of God, and why not all of us be the sons and daughters of God? I didn't believe in this one man, to be God. And knowing, he was a devout Jewish man to boot. 

But I never thought of converting to Judaism until my first trip to Egypt, a few years after my father died. On my journey through the sands of time, I inwardly connected to something bigger than my ego. That inward something is my eternal essence, better known as the soul. As I journeyed through the eternal sands of time, I felt an intense energy all around me. 

The timeless desert also connected me with the legendary, most revered leader in Judaism, Moses. Moses and God are the two dominate figures in the Torah.

A few weeks later, I went to my local synagogue and inquired about converting. The Conservative Rabbi asked me some questions. I do remember him saying, Judaism is not going to save you. But I was not looking to be saved. I was looking for a connection outwardly that would bring me closer to my soul, and the energy all around me.

That connection would be Judaism, Moses, and God. 

Monday, November 13, 2023

What Early Jewish And Christian Mysticism Says About Soul Mates And Twin Flames

As it miraculously has been said by the great mystics…Rabbi Issac Luria refers to the relationship between certain souls in accordance with the place which they originally occupied in the supernal world. There are relationships between souls and even families of souls, which somehow constitute a dynamic whole and react upon one another. -Gate of Reincarnations -These souls have a special aptitude for assisting each other and supplementing each other’s actions and can also by their piety lift up those members of their group who have fallen onto a lower plane and can enable them to start on the return journey to higher forms of existence. — Gershom Scholem- scholar of Jewish Mysticism

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Are You Escaping Twin Flames?

I watched, Escaping Twin Flames on Prime and Netflix, and what I unequivocally know is this:

For the past 30 years, I believe in the true meaning of twin flames. Where one is on a spiritual path first and foremost and for them, a true spiritual partner is the ultimate companion.



Uninitiated people think this is a twin flame journey and are just making up their own rules, and terminology. -And naive people get manipulated to believe these so- called experts on Twin Flames.

I have said this before the term Twin Flames comes from Elizabeth Clare Prophet, who was a spiritual teacher, first and foremost. Go look up… how she came up with Twin Flames as opposed to Twin Souls…Go my friends!

Even if you go and start to read Elizabeth Clare Prophet, you are probably not going to understand her wisdom because you are on a Twin Flame journey, Not a spiritual journey! -So Good Luck my Friends!

Contrary to recent popular belief, both parties are deeply spiritual. There wouldn't be any point in reuniting if they did not come home to their own soul, and the infinite.

AND A VERY IMPORTANT, AND…Real Twin Flames understand their Soul Mates are just as profound and are in the same category as they are. Because if you are not consciously recognizing each other from the Supernal world, you are not soul mates. AS YOU PEOPLE SO CONFIDENTLY KNOW SOUL MATES AND TWIN FLAMES ARE NOT IN THE SAME CATEGORY!! - If you people were really recognizing each other from the Supernal world, you guys would know Soul Mates are just as profound as Twin Souls, if not more because you have spent many, many lives and beyond with those souls! - Good Luck!

XOXO, Serena Jade

Sunday, November 5, 2023

My Journey As A Solo Traveler Crossing Into Israel ViaThe West Bank

 It's a snowy January day in Madaba, Jordan in the year 2022. I have been on a journey since the beginning of December 2021 to change the paradigm of my life. I have spent five weeks in Sharm El Sheikh, South Sinai, Egypt. My second time in Sharm. And now I am finishing up my journey in Jordan, after spending three weeks exploring, Madaba, Wadi Rum and Petra. (Yes, I climbed all over Petra.) However, the highlight of Petra was experiencing Petra at night. As I walked through the candlelit, Siq, (a narrow rock canyon) I was transported into a magical realm. The Siq leads you to the Nabatean city of Petra. Candles are lit up on the desert floor as you are greeted by the famous treasury building of the Nabateans. 

The Treasury At Petra, Jordan

Right now, I am staying at a VRBO apartment in Madaba. The family who owns the apartment are delightful. If you don't know Madaba is the home to Mount Nebo. Mt. Nebo is where the Israelites settled before entering Canaan, modern day Israel. Moses has said to have died on this mountain. After Moses's death, Joshua became the leader of the Israelites, and brought them into the land of Canaan in 1200 B.C.E.

Fast forward to the year 2022, it is cloudy, dreary and cold. It's around 7:00 in the morning and a taxi driver, a friend of the family from the apartment is picking me up to enter Israel through the West Bank. I originally wanted to fly out of Amman, Jordan to Tel Aviv. However, the cost was astronomical because instead of flying directly to Tel Aviv, the Jordanian government has the airlines fly from Amman, Jordan and go all the way west to Istanbul, Turkey, only to come back to the Middle East to Tel Aviv.

So, here I am in the car going to the Israeli border and crossing the river Jordan as a solo traveler. This will be my second time in Israel.

As I am getter closer to the border, I see billboards with men with machine guns, with masks and turbines on their heads ready to fight. The words on the billboard were in Arabic, and I didn't want to ask the driver, what did the words mean? I am thinking to myself, oh my God this is Hamas or Hezbollah, wanting to recruit people into their cause. But at the same time, there is beautiful sunlight streaming down from the heavens overlooking Israel. 

The Jordan Valley Overlooking Israel

So now, I am at the Jordanian border with the West Bank. A Jordanian man helps me with all my paperwork to get across the Jordan river. They take my passport, and I am concerned if I will get it back. They give me my passport 10 minutes later. And then I get on a bus, as I am the only one on the bus besides the driver. We have to go through a check point, show my passport and then we cross what looked like a footbridge over the Jordan river. 

I am now on the other side, the West Bank. I get off the bus and right away my luggage is thrown into a conveyer belt along with my purse. I pick up my luggage and I get to an agent, and she says, you have to wait for the time on your card which is 11.00, it is now 9:00 in the morning. 

So I wait, I go back to the agent at 11:00, and there is a problem. She said, my covid test is not valid then she said, it is valid. Then she said, you have to reapply for entry online. So, I go back online and there is a problem with the website. Now, I am being interrogated, the agent is asking me where were my parents were born? What are their names? She kept asking me over and over again. They wanted proof where I was staying in Jerusalem. I had to provide proof. Now, I don't have my phone and computer lined up and this is a problem now. 

For five hours, I am being interrogated, the Israelis were not going to let me in. They had suspicions I had a Jordanian passport, because 99.99% of tourists are not entering Israel through this border. Finally, they let me enter Israel through the West Bank.

In this time period one had to take a covid test, as you left a country and then when you enter another country. So, I took the test, had to get a taxi from the station. The Taxi driver drove me to Jerusalem. I am staying at an Airbnb, a five-minute walk to the old city with the Damascus Gate and the New Gate right at my fingertips. 

My entry through the West Bank was an invaluable experience. Israel has control over this border as well as Gaza. I feel that is part of the conflict, the Palestinians don't have control over their borders. However, if the Palestinians had control over the borders, would they be as tough as the Israelis? Probably not. And that puts Israel in a very vulnerable position. 

My first trip to Israel, I wasn't aware that 28 countries in the world DO NOT recognize Israel. It was an eye-opening experience, to realize Israel is not recognized. I left Israel asking myself, how long does the state of Israel, have left? 

The Israel-Hamas war started on Simchat Torah, for those of you who don't know, this holiday ends a cycle and starts a new one. All services start reading from the beginning of the Torah (the Old Testament) from the Book of Genesis and onward, through all the books and completes next year at the same holiday. 

Israel has a right to exist. Just like the Palestinians have a right to exist, but without terrorists' groups controlling them. 

Israel and Jews are the scapegoats for our society. In her book, The Scapegoat Complex, Jungian Analyst Sylvia Perera says, "In the Western World the scapegoat role has fallen onto Jews and other minorities. These groups have often carried values needed by society as a whole, but values the culture prefers to keep in the shadow."

You can see in history, “Blame the Jews, it’s their fault.” Look what’s happening right now, Israel is to be blamed for their misfortune. The world does not have empathy for Israel or the Jews.

As a scapegoat myself, I recognize the blame people put on Israel and the Jews. Since I was three years old, I grew up in a Jewish Neighbor on Long Island. And my Personal Training business attracted all Jewish people. 

I am Jewish by choice. There is a great saying, Jews who have converted, were Jewish in another life and found their way home. The great Kabbalist Rabbi Isaac Luria declared, "In our present Aquarian Age, the souls of the Exodus generation shall again become incarnated."

Can you step back and learn about the conflict with an open mind, and about the history of Canaan, Israel, Judah, and Palestine?