Showing posts with label God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God. Show all posts
Friday, November 24, 2023
Why Did I Convert To Judaism?
I've been around Jews my whole life. I grew up in a Jewish neighborhood on Long Island, New York. My best friend in school was Jewish, and her family invited me to Passover Seders and Rosh Hashanah dinners to celebrate with them.
Even a Rabbi from my neighborhood, had a part in the movie "Rocky 3."
It was when my father died years later, that I had a spiritual turning point in my life. The Sufi Master, Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee would say, "one day, you will wake up and say, there is more to life than this. And the mystery of the soul...begins."
That day is when my father died, I didn't have a belief that this unknown thing called the soul goes to heaven, nor did I have the belief that we just die, and that is it.
But I never thought of converting to Judaism until my first trip to Egypt, a few years after my father died. On my journey through the sands of time, I inwardly connected to something bigger than my ego. That inward something is my eternal essence, better known as the soul. As I journeyed through the eternal sands of time, I felt an intense energy all around me.
The timeless desert also connected me with the legendary, most revered leader in Judaism, Moses. Moses and God are the two dominate figures in the Torah.
A few weeks later, I went to my local synagogue and inquired about converting. The Conservative Rabbi asked me some questions. I do remember him saying, Judaism is not going to save you. But I was not looking to be saved. I was looking for a connection outwardly that would bring me closer to my soul, and the energy all around me.
That connection would be Judaism, Moses, and God.
Roman Catholic,
The Ego,
The Infinite,
The Soul
Monday, November 13, 2023
What Early Jewish And Christian Mysticism Says About Soul Mates And Twin Flames
As it miraculously has been said by the great mystics…Rabbi Issac Luria refers to the relationship between certain souls in accordance with the place which they originally occupied in the supernal world. There are relationships between souls and even families of souls, which somehow constitute a dynamic whole and react upon one another. -Gate of Reincarnations -These souls have a special aptitude for assisting each other and supplementing each other’s actions and can also by their piety lift up those members of their group who have fallen onto a lower plane and can enable them to start on the return journey to higher forms of existence. — Gershom Scholem- scholar of Jewish Mysticism
Tuesday, February 8, 2022
Do You Really Want To Connect With Your Soul Mates And Twin Flame?
True Soul Mates are connecting from the same source True twin flames are connecting from -The Soul! And if you are not connecting from this sacred place, which is not Common, you are not even soul mates.
"The soul's relationship to the Ultimate Source is part of its very being, but the degree to which the soul, itself, is accessible to us.
In an environment where there is no place for a spiritual world, or in a society in which all the accepted values are material and utilitarian, there is much less room for the soul to manifest itself.
People don't usually form truly deep and meaningful, soul-level bonds with each other. We do not usually relate to each other's souls at all."-Rabbi Steinsaltz
We don't live in a world, where we adhere to the soul. Much less, connecting with true soul mates and the Deepest Most Profound Eternal Love.
However, do you want to create such a world?
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Serena Jade is a Scapegoat Transformed. Author/Speaker of New Thought. Bringer of New Social & Spiritual Wisdom.- “Nothing great was ever achieved through conformity. To thine own uniqueness be true!” – Futurist Jim Carroll
Be Inspired by Serena Jade's Avant-Garde Soul Mate Story...
Monday, February 7, 2022
My Soul Mates And Deepest Most Profound Eternal Love Belong To My Soul And The Divine...
Soul Mates and the Deepest Most Profound Eternal Love belong to your Soul and the Divine. Plato calls this type of love, celestial. This is a deeply spiritual connection, not your ordinary love.
"If your unique personality compels you to contemplate your soul in a serious manner, you are probably someone who has a high level of spiritual curiosity, and it is likely that you will reach out to God often-even on an ordinary day.
However, when carrying out our search for our souls, we need to be conscious that our dreams and aspirations, even though these are essentially non-material, do not have anything to do with the soul.
Family, education, and various cultural resources, such as books, theater, and so on, are also at work within us and may appear in our thoughts. Therefore, the emergence of new dreams or a longing for something new may not necessarily be spiritual in origin. While it is possible to search within ourselves and find things that are not part of our ordinary reality, many of these are mere reflections of external reality or illusions that lodge themselves within us and are not part of the soul in any fundamental way.
Therefore, we should take care not to confuse true, authentic reality with something that was transplanted from outside sources. It is not easy to discover the soul within us because of various kinds of background noise that conceal it from us. Only after these noises from the past or present are set aside can we reach a point where we will be able to withstand the ultimate test-the test of truth."-Rabbi Steinsaltz
Serena Jade is a Scapegoat Transformed. Author/Speaker of New Thought. Bringer of New Social & Spiritual Wisdom.- “Nothing great was ever achieved through conformity. To thine own uniqueness be true!” – Futurist Jim Carroll
Serena Jade
Wednesday, January 19, 2022
Do You Want To Meet Your Twin Flame?- Then You Should You Care About The Esoteric Wisdom Of Religion
The esoteric wisdom of all religions focuses on the soul within the person, and a God who cannot be named. The esoteric wisdom bridges the gap between the soul, the immanence and the God without, the Transcendent.
Since Soul Mates and Twin Flames are connecting from the source of the soul, it is natural, that the Transcendent nameless force is understood as infinite energy around them, between them, and penetrating them.
Soul Mates and Twin Flames are a connection from the soul, as such all parties involved are aware of the connection between their soul, and the infinite transcendent force. If they are not aware, they are not in touch with their soul. And no one can make them aware. It is their spiritual awakening to become aware.
Soul Mates assist you to ascend to the Transcendent even further, and ultimately, Twin Flames are gearing toward the ultimate ascension.
Are you ready to care about the esoteric wisdom of religion?
Serena Jade
Monday, September 30, 2019
The Two Worlds of Jennie Logan was a made for TV movie in 1979. I was 13 years-old and this movie had such a deep impact on me. I just recently viewed this film on youtube.
For the past 33 years, I have been trying to get my hands on a copy. So, when I finally watched this movie again, I was astonished.I had only remembered the ending and did not realize the depth of the story.
Lindsey Wagner (Bionic woman) plays a woman who caught her husband cheating, so they decide to start over. They buy an old house which I believe is supposed to be in upper Westchester,New York. The woman finds an old wedding dress and as she puts it on, immediately she is transported to another era.
She finds herself in the late 1800's, and is in love with a man who she is going to marry. The woman goes back and forth between the two time periods.
The woman asks her lover in the 1800's... Do you believe in immortality?
The woman asks her therapist in the 20th century... What is reality? Is it possible to break the barriers of time and space? What do we know about the universe? What do we know about time or infinity?
When I saw this uploaded version of the movie last week, I was amazed because I did not consciously remember the dialogue.
"I feel I was destined to communicate the immortality of the soul; to achieve oneness with the Divine, thru the interaction of mystical loves."-Serena Jade
Do you believe in immortality?
My story Charismatic Connection is about Chris and I who woke up from our deep sleep and experienced eternal love. However, we were not quite ready for that exalted bond. Charismatic Connection is available on and Barnes and
Do you think it is possible to break the barriers of space and time?
Serena Jade
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Did You Read Origin by Dan Brown?
Dan Brown asks two questions in his new book, Origin-where did we come from? and where are we going?
I feel Dan Brown is planting seeds for a future mindset. Mr. Brown links together science and religion. Can we create a new mindset by understanding the philosophy of physics?
In Origin, Dan Brown quotes the English writer William Blake, "The dark Religions are departed and Sweet Science Reigns."
Mr. Brown ends his story by saying, "Mr. Blake believed that religions came in two flavors-the dark, dogmatic religions that oppressed creative thinking...and the light, expansive religions that encouraged introspection and creatively."
Mr. Brown assures us, "Sweet Science will banish the dark the enlightened religions can flourish."
By quieting your Ego and what you been taught verbally about God, you can get in touch with your soul, which requires introspection. When you know the difference between your ego and soul, you can relate to the science of nature-physics.
The enlightened Religions are the esoteric universal, spiritual wisdom of all faiths-which requires introspection for a direct union with your soul and the transcendent energy of the universe!
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Kabbalah: The Esoteric Wisdom of Judaism |
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Where are we going? -creating a new mindset?
Serena Jade
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