
Showing posts with label Ascension. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ascension. Show all posts

Friday, April 8, 2022

Serena Jade Talks Ascension On The Spiritual Path Toward Union With Our Twin Flame

What is the ascension?
"It represents the point in the soul’s evolution when it attains immortality. Through the ascension, the soul merges with the I AM Presence and returns to the Father-Mother God, free from the rounds of karma and reincarnation. This process of returning to the source is recognized throughout the world's major religions, although the terminology used to describe it may differ."-Elizabeth Clare Prophet-

Elizabeth Clare Prophet if you don't know was a New Age spiritual leader. She and her husband started the church of the Summit Lighthouse. At first, they belonged to the Great White Brotherhood, a New Age religious organization. Then broke away and started their own organization. She and her husband wrote a large volume book on Soul Mates and Twin Flames on the spiritual dimension of relationships. Elizabeth Clare Prophet wrote a much smaller sized book on the subject.

The Great and Universal White Brotherhood based much of their wisdom on the esoteric wisdom of all the major religions, as well as the Summit Lighthouse.

The esoteric part of all the major religions are a much different concept to their mainstream counterpart. This is much due to the deep understanding of the soul. Mainstream religion focuses on our ego in relation to society, and worships a God outside of us. While their esoteric counterparts get in touch with the soul inside of us, whom is deeply connected to a God that transcends the mainstream God.

Back to ascension: All of the esoteric wisdom talk of uniting our limited ego and spiritual soul-this is where our human nature merges with our spiritual soul, which is absolutely connected to the Beloved force outside of us. This is ascension. The ascended masters as well have reached this level. Elizabeth Clare Prophet uses her own words for this process, but it is based on the esoteric wisdom of religion.

Ascension is done on our own with the help of our true soul mates, who wake us up to our spiritual soul. When we reunite with our twin flame, we ascend even further.

This is ascension. Are you ready to do the work that is involved?

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Knowing The Difference Between The Ego And Soul Is Key To Understanding Soul Mates/Twin Flames On Their Upward Journey

Our Personality (ego)

Through our ego, our personality develops. When we are young, we are told what is acceptable so we repress the exact opposite, and hence, we have created our personality. As we live our life, we try to fit in with our family and with society, and we end up adopting certain behaviors. This conduct gets ingrained within our personality each year we live.

Our ego follows the acceptable worldview of our family and general public. What we can outwardly see, touch, taste, smell and hear dominates. Our ego is a valuable asset we have as it grants us is the ability to live in our world.

Now for the Soul

The soul does not take on a form like our ego does, but instead is more abstract. The soul is ruled by our inner world, instead of our outer world. The five senses don’t have any power in this inner world, so we have to tap into another sense. What we see, hear and sense inwardly is our soul speaking to us.

An imaginary, enigmatic veil covers your ego, and once lifted the spark of the Beloved is witnessed in all its intoxicating joy. The piercing vibration of our eternal existence makes us scream with delight. There is an overwhelming happiness knowing that the most cherished place inside of you is connected with an invincible exalted force.

A Rabbi Talking…

"When we achieve a spiritual awakening, we become aware of our ego as a significant obstacle in our ascent. The soul's enslavement to the ego is the most difficult and burdensome thing for it to overcome on its upward journey. 

A significant step on every path to the soul, then, is the intellectual and emotional effort we give to limiting the power of the ego. This enterprise is known as "self-nullification," and it is at the core of our spiritual striving. It does not involve minimizing our identity to become nothing; rather, it is a process that is meant to limit the control of the ego. 

Setting limits and boundaries for the ego so that it does not turn our soul into a tool in service of a foreign god is therefore a fundamental task for us all." -Rabbi Steinsaltz 

The Age of Aquarius is the age of Spirit, uniting our human (ego) with our spiritual (soul). -"Moses said, "I will not give up until I reach the point where the two seas meet, though I spend years and years in travel." -The Holy Qur'an-

Sufi Mystics (and all mystics) teach, Where the two seas meet is the Mystical Marriage (Unio Mystica) of our Human nature and Spiritual Nature- To fully incarnate the Soul into Human Destiny-we live from the Heart, the bridge the connects the Human to the Spiritual.

Religion comes from the Latin - meaning to bring us back to our Divine origin. All religions have a esoteric (hidden) component to them, this is known as the inner spiritual traditions of a particular faith. When someone embarks on the esoteric path, they are mystics. This is not about belief, this is about self-knowledge, which leads them to remember their soul, and the Transcendent Force of the Universe. 

To be able to recognize the soul in another, is the path of the mystics.

The esoteric wisdom of all religions are very similar as they focus on the soul within the person, and a God that cannot be named. The esoteric wisdom bridges the gap between the soul, the immanence and the God without, the Beloved Transcendent. 

But the Mystical Marriage (Unio Mystica) comes when the ego is under control, not in control- then the union of ego and soul are walking together hand in hand; wrapping them with its encircling light, the Energy of all Energies shines within them, and all around them. 


Serena Jade is a Scapegoat Transformed. Author/Speaker of New Thought. Bringer of New Social & Spiritual Wisdom.- “Nothing great was ever achieved through conformity. To thine own uniqueness be true!” – Futurist Jim Carroll

Be Inspired by Serena Jade's Avant-Garde Soul Mate Story...

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Do You Want To Meet Your Twin Flame?- Then You Should You Care About The Esoteric Wisdom Of Religion

The esoteric wisdom of all religions focuses on the soul within the person, and a God that cannot be named. The esoteric wisdom bridges the gap between the soul, the immanence and the God without, the Transcendent.

Since Soul Mates and Twin Flames are connecting from the source of the soul, it is natural, that the Transcendent nameless force is understood as infinite energy around them, between them, and penetrating them.

Soul Mates and Twin Flames are a connection from the soul, as such all parties involved are aware of the connection between their soul, and the infinite transcendent force. If they are not aware, they are not in touch with their soul. And no one can make them aware. It is their spiritual awakening to become aware. 

Soul Mates assist you to ascend to the Transcendent even further, and ultimately, Twin Flames are gearing toward the ultimate ascension. 

Are you ready to care about the esoteric wisdom of religion? 
Serena Jade

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

How Serious Are You About The Deepest Most Profound Eternal Love?

I can't promise you; you are with or going to meet your Twin Flame. No one can, because that is a sacred bond between your soul. But I can offer you, a model of the authentic soul connection experience. 

My books, courses, and consultations prepare you for an authentic soul connection. 

How serious are you about your deepest most-profound eternal love? 

Serena Jade