
Showing posts with label Religions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Religions. Show all posts

Friday, April 8, 2022

Serena Jade Talks Ascension On The Spiritual Path Toward Union With Our Twin Flame

What is the ascension?
"It represents the point in the soul’s evolution when it attains immortality. Through the ascension, the soul merges with the I AM Presence and returns to the Father-Mother God, free from the rounds of karma and reincarnation. This process of returning to the source is recognized throughout the world's major religions, although the terminology used to describe it may differ."-Elizabeth Clare Prophet-

Elizabeth Clare Prophet if you don't know was a New Age spiritual leader. She and her husband started the church of the Summit Lighthouse. At first, they belonged to the Great White Brotherhood, a New Age religious organization. Then broke away and started their own organization. She and her husband wrote a large volume book on Soul Mates and Twin Flames on the spiritual dimension of relationships. Elizabeth Clare Prophet wrote a much smaller sized book on the subject.

The Great and Universal White Brotherhood based much of their wisdom on the esoteric wisdom of all the major religions, as well as the Summit Lighthouse.

The esoteric part of all the major religions are a much different concept to their mainstream counterpart. This is much due to the deep understanding of the soul. Mainstream religion focuses on our ego in relation to society, and worships a God outside of us. While their esoteric counterparts get in touch with the soul inside of us, whom is deeply connected to a God that transcends the mainstream God.

Back to ascension: All of the esoteric wisdom talk of uniting our limited ego and spiritual soul-this is where our human nature merges with our spiritual soul, which is absolutely connected to the Beloved force outside of us. This is ascension. The ascended masters as well have reached this level. Elizabeth Clare Prophet uses her own words for this process, but it is based on the esoteric wisdom of religion.

Ascension is done on our own with the help of our true soul mates, who wake us up to our spiritual soul. When we reunite with our twin flame, we ascend even further.

This is ascension. Are you ready to do the work that is involved?

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The Soul Mate Prep Blog#60: Do you continue with the Religion you were born into just for your kids?

In the west ,we live in a secular society. Joseph Campbell, the world's expert on comparative religion said,"Our culture has gone into an economic and political phase, where the spiritual principles are completely disregarded."

Over the years, I have witnessed our secular social order, just follow along with their inherited family's religion. If parents, do not adhere to the religious system, than why do we continue?

We continue because we don't stand either way. If we have strong convictions, we will stand up to them. Like Joseph Campbell said, our society is purely economical and political.

We lost a sense of mystery to the cosmos. People will say they are more spiritual than religious. But what does this mean and can we bring up our kids to be more spiritual?

I have a profound saying," To be religious is to have an obligation to a particular religion but to be truly spiritual is to have a commitment to your soul."-Serena Jade

Can you let go of the religion you were born into?

If so, can you get in touch with the mystery in relation to yourself and the cosmos?

Can you relate this to your children?

"Self-Knowledge is the Jewel."-Serena Jade