
Showing posts with label Joseph Campbell. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joseph Campbell. Show all posts

Sunday, September 28, 2014

The Soul Mate Prep Blog#81: What image comes to mind when you hear the word Mysticism?

In today's world, mysticism often leads us to a place of obscurity. It conjures up images of witches, warlocks, sorcery, and vampires. The profound mystery of our eternal essence remains unconscious to many, and thus, what is not conscious is deemed sinister and malevolent.

Mysticism originates from the Greek word for 'that which is hidden.' Typically, mystical experiences are silent and beyond understanding. It involves closing one's eyes to the physical world while opening the 'third eye,' and remaining silent to immerse oneself in the spiritual enigma both within and around us."

Mysticism represents a direct connection with an inspiring spiritual enigma. Direct contact with the mystery of our soul transcends our ordinary mind and fosters a sacred relationship within. However, the ego and soul do not reach equilibrium on their own. One will dominate the other until we live from the heart and cultivate our entire self.

Are you in touch with the spiritual mystery within and without? 

Mysticism represents a genuine spiritual encounter. Every religion is founded on firsthand spiritual experiences."
Serena Jade

Religion originates from the Latin word that means to reconnect us with our Divine source. Every religion encompasses an esoteric (hidden) aspect, which is the inner spiritual tradition of a specific faith. Individuals who pursue the esoteric journey are known as mystics. This journey is not about belief; it is about self-discovery, leading them to an awareness of their soul and the Transcendent Force of the Universe.

'To recognize the soul in another is the mystic's path.'

Soul Mates and Twin Flames are connections to the direct experience of your soul! 

Next time, you hear the word mysticism, will you think of a deep spiritual experience or a dark magical hocus pocus?

"Self-Knowledge is the Jewel."-Serena Jade
Check Out what Mystics throughout the ages have said about the Soul...

Monday, August 25, 2014

The Soul Mate Prep Blog#76: Do your self-interests fuel your desires?

The subject of marriage is ingrained in us and as a collective whole, we have been taught to follow our family and friends. I ask you, why do you think your relationship is not going to be like everyone else?

Years ago, Oprah had a psychologist on her show and he said, “When we finish our childhood, we may live happily ever after.” We as a collective whole assume the other person is going to complete us, but that is our job!

The great Joseph Campbell said the Troubadours of the 13th century understood love at the level of the heart. The centuries that followed changed our collective- mind in the WEST, where we can pick our own mate instead of the church and or our family picking for us. Mr. Campbell states, “Love at the heart is NOT primarily of self-interest.” Our collective society is primarily operating on self-interests and still following our family.

"We live in a society, where it is acceptable to take a pill and one is cured! Attachments fuel Self-interests and this is not the heart level!"-Serena Jade 
Are you ready to be an explorer of your personal history and eradicate self-interests?
"Self-Knowledge is the Jewel."-Serena Jade
Bringing unconscious wisdom to the world...

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The Soul Mate Prep Blog#60: Do you continue with the Religion you were born into just for your kids?

In the west ,we live in a secular society. Joseph Campbell, the world's expert on comparative religion said,"Our culture has gone into an economic and political phase, where the spiritual principles are completely disregarded."

Over the years, I have witnessed our secular social order, just follow along with their inherited family's religion. If parents, do not adhere to the religious system, than why do we continue?

We continue because we don't stand either way. If we have strong convictions, we will stand up to them. Like Joseph Campbell said, our society is purely economical and political.

We lost a sense of mystery to the cosmos. People will say they are more spiritual than religious. But what does this mean and can we bring up our kids to be more spiritual?

I have a profound saying," To be religious is to have an obligation to a particular religion but to be truly spiritual is to have a commitment to your soul."-Serena Jade

Can you let go of the religion you were born into?

If so, can you get in touch with the mystery in relation to yourself and the cosmos?

Can you relate this to your children?

"Self-Knowledge is the Jewel."-Serena Jade


Monday, October 21, 2013

The Soul Mate Prep Blog#29: Are you making a list for what you want in a soul mate?

Joseph Campbell said, "But I take you as my center, and you are my bliss, not the wealth that you bring me, not the social prestige, but you.That is following your bliss."

When we make a list about what we want from a soul mate, and when someone comes along and meets that criteria, we have found the One!

I have to ask you, who do you think is making the list?

Your answer is you, however, it is your ego that has a set standard NOT your soul!

If I had made a list years ago, before I crossed paths with Chris (my book Charismatic Connection you might want to read it), my ego's items would have been too small.The gift Chris gave me was a profound awakening of an eternal love.That gift is not measured in the material world.  I saw HIM first and his gorgeous looks, status and wealth were second!

"Throw away the list and connect with your soul.The ego is too limited or inflated for what your soul can bring you, both materially and non-material!"-Serena Jade

Are you ready to throw away the list?

"Self-Knowledge is the Jewel."-Serena Jade
Bringing unconscious Social/Mystical wisdom to the world...


Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Soul Mate Prep Blog#27: Would you sacrifice your survival, security, personal relationships for an invisible calling?

Joseph Campbell said, "A person who is gripped by a calling, by a dedication, by a belief, by a zeal will sacrifice their security, will sacrifice even their life, will sacrifice personal relationships, they will give themselves entirely to their purpose."

I am such a person who has heeded a call to honor my soul's purpose.I had to break away from my guilt-inducing narcissistic mother and follow my soul's voice. I left New York and came to the desert of California to establish myself as a role-model and as a writer of personal and spiritual wisdom.

I am dedicated to tell my story of my personal journey from understanding my own soul to recognizing a true eternal love. I am here to tell you my personality was not in a position to live a peaceful life with a profound love or with anyone else.

I am here to tell you what I discovered along my arduous journey towards self- realization.It is not easy following an invisible path because you are not following the laws of our society.It takes tremendous faith in yourself that you are following the right path for you.

Are you ready to heed such a call?