The word "Religion" comes from the Latin, to bind us back to our Divine origin. This is what all religions on the deepest level is supposed to do, bringing us back to our Soul, this in turn will bring us back to humanity!
Showing posts with label How do soul mates find each other. Show all posts
Showing posts with label How do soul mates find each other. Show all posts
Carl Jungian enthusiasts understand about the ego. They also understand the immortal essence within each of us. In my Carl Jung group, one smart guy wrote this about soul mates.
1.) (90%) [Soul Mates. Twin Flames] a handy catch phrase for men with only sex in mind to catch
women in a game of cat and mouse with no intention of developing a meaningful
relationship; even if that takes months or years.
2.) (10%) [Soul Mates] A sincere term used by the self aware which describes an individual
that has a strong resonating connection that appears to have a metaphysical
element to it, perhaps to the degree described in this book: Only Love is Real
by Dr. Brian Weiss.
I Respond and say- Very smart!
In an ordinary
relationship, we are attracted to someone for two reasons...
We are sexually attracted to their appearance.
The other person has the missing personality traits, we need to be whole.
If you are on a spiritual path or would like to be, and would love to
experience a soul mate- it is paramount that you know the difference between
your ego and soul.
In a soul mate/Twin Flame relationship the soul is recognized first, and the sexual
attraction is secondary, also the missing personality traits need to be
identified within our own minds.
I highly recommend another book, Charismatic
Connection, a true story!
I love this song (listen to the words). The video was just how Chris and I interacted, except for the kiss...
Three Soul Mates had a past life love of horses and fox hunting in Yorkshire, England, and Reincarnated in the south shore of Long Island, New York for their love of horses and racing ...
"I wish more people understood just how extraordinary recognizing a soul you've loved for eons, (a soul mate) really is."
Words are a Pretext. It is the inner bond that draws one person to another, not words.-Rumi
There is a difference between Outwardly knowing about Soul Mates and Twin Flames vs. Inwardly Recognizing the Souls You've Loved Before, via an Unspoken Bond.
"This book is for anyone who believes that our spiritual connections extend far beyond the lives we lead in the present."
"This book totally captured the love of two people who were destined for each other."
May The "Eyes" Of This Story, Be A Window To Your Own Authentic Soul Mate Experience...
True, Genuine, Authentic, HONEST-TO-GOD, ETERNAL Soul Mates meet while at a horse race...
She is spellbound by him, and he is mesmerized by her. Eternity shines through time in their presence. They wake each other up to the caress of a spiritual love, piercing deep within them. Their charismatic connection goes beyond an ordinary attraction. It is the deep-seated understanding each of us are fated and destined to experience.
"You will enjoy reading this book to the end and learn something about yourself as well. Hat's off to Serena Jade! Pick up a copy today. I was given this book by Smith Publicity Inc."- Maryanne Koopmann (Book Reviewer) - Reviews for, and
"Charismatic Connection is a beautifully written [story] in which the main characters are soul mates who meet again and recognize each other at a deep spiritual level long before their lives become intertwined through thoroughbred racing. They are both protagonists with deep sorrow in their immediate lives, seeking solace but constantly torn from the immediate connection and pull they felt towards each other from time immemorial. The book is truly for romantics and horse lovers, as the plot is revealed through the running of many well-known horse races and events that keep bringing the two main characters into contact with each other, in ever-deepening ways. The book is one that will keep you reading to the end, with amazing spiritual overtones in a way that will draw you in."-Bonnie Neely, Real Travel Adventures Magazine Editor
"The device of telling the twin stories of Serena Jade and Chris Antley using alternating narrators works, especially in that it creates a sense of immediacy and intimacy. Readers feel as if they have been given a unique and privileged window into the hearts and minds of two people. Experiencing the stories in this way means that by the end of the book, readers feel they truly understand the suffering both Serena and Chris have withstood, as well as your struggles to transcend the limitations and weaknesses of their less formed selves."-Francesca, CreateSpace Editor
Thank you for writing a true to form book which has a lot of didactic value about Love Connection and thrivorship. Your insight, vision, and the way you compiled your narratives was compelling. This book so far among a sample of our readership, has expanded the consciousness and ideas of women from various social, economic and cultural backgrounds offering a sense of hope and providing an oasis of information as to how to live a life triumphantly. The ideas articulated through your prose resonate deeply within the human condition. Charismatic Connection was brought to our attention through your publicist and a randomly selected group of 20 members of our readership were assigned to choose four books out of 12 to determine ones that stood out and would appeal to our audience. Charismatic Connection is truly one of a C A T A G O R Y of its own. Your passion and dedication inspires me.- Joslyn Wolfe, Publisher of Focus on Women Magazine.
"This movie totally captured the love of two people who were destined for each other... This book totally captured the love of two people who were destined for each other. As just as important, it is their love of horses that binds them in a story that shows the human spirit overcoming all major difficulties and disappointments. You can really feel the soul searching that each of them went through. And, in addition, this is a true story -- and it is incredibly uplifting! And for the horse lovers, it takes you deep into the workings of the all the major race tracks -- Del Mar, Santa Anita, Keeneland, Aqueduct, Saratoga -- and some that are no longer around -- like Garden State Racetrack.. It has a feel of "Secretariat" and "Seabiscuit", and you will end up pulling for them both!"-Beth Hegedus
"I have just begun reading this book, and wow! I cannot wait to read more and see how it all ends. It is very readable and enjoyable. I am inspired to travel to these places. As a writer and artist I deeply appreciate the honesty of this book. To read a bit about me, [...] Thank you Serena Jade for your lovely book. I will post another entry when I finish reading your book. Finished the!"-Frank Landfield
"This book is for anyone who believes that our spiritual connections extend far beyond the lives we lead in the present. Set against the beautiful, world-wide locations of her extensive travels. Jade links myths and dreams to real life and explores the meaning of all three. Part allegory, part-crossed romance and part self-discovery. Serena Jade's journey is deeply heart-felt and eye-opening."-Julie R
"Charismatic Connection is a wonderful memoir telling the stories of Serena Jade and jockey Chris Antley. If you want to meet a true soul mate, Charismatic Connection is an authentic meeting of two immortal beings. Chris and Serena's story will motivate you to understand your own personal struggles. So, you can reunite with your eternal loved ones."-Anonymous
"Jade's honesty and sincerity reveal common and sometimes painful experiences that many people share. But through this process, we find hope. Her journeys across Europe and into the ancient world become an inner pilgrimage, as well as an outer journey of pivotal experiences. At times heart breaking but ultimately uplifting, Jade digs deep in this unflinching narrative."- Anna Marie M.
"Charismatic Connection compels the reader to look inward and reconsider what he or she believes is important in developing a meaningful relationship. The liberation of the soul, the self, allows for connections that outside forces often inhibit. Although, I haven't yet journeyed to the end of this insightful book, I look forward to my time each night in the world created by Serena Jade and to "remembering my internal core." Our connections are such an important part of our happiness. I recommend this book for anyone who seeks to find a deeper meaning in relationships." - Jakesfnm.
"Charismatic Connection is a jewel of a true soul mate connection. Beautifully written, it lifts the heart to a higher plane not of this earth. Set against the backdrop of the exciting horse racing industry, it is a winner! I recommend this book for anyone who wants to find all the pieces to his or her life and connect with another from a deep place."- James C.
"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it."-Rumi FROM THE YEAR 2007-"The tendency to think about the other person’s feelings, more than mine
is alive within me. That is the karma between us; I disregard myself but I
am dependent on the relationship. He has control and sees me as an extension
not as a separate person. He withdraws as the reaction, the more he withdraws I
become frustrated and become the victim to my caretaker syndrome. My fear is
abandonment but I abandon myself and I feel responsible for the other. The more
I feel responsible, the more he withdraws and I feel abandoned even more.
Karma is a Sanskrit word meaning action = reaction. I am
mimicking with James, my relationship with my mother. I have been taught to
disregard myself and think about my mother and her needs. But, underneath the
façade, I am dependent on the relationship. I have to become safe and secure and stop my people pleasing, not an easy task. Once I transform, I will
no longer be its victim. I will be responsible to me and to another, not for
another. I will be autonomous and can be
caring-detached and then I will move out of the karmic situation and move on to
my deepest most-profound eternal love. When this is going to happen? I do not
The Auto-Bond: A Personal Growth Relationship
Best-selling author John Bradshaw said, "Codependency/dependency is the root of addiction."
"When our heart is ready for love - we have transcended our
Co-Dependent and Dependent unhealthy defense mechanism."-
Serena Jade
Are you ready to open your heart?
"Self-Knowledge is the Jewel."-Serena Jade
Bringing unconscious Social/Mystical wisdom to the world...
Recently, I read an article about marriage. As I was reading the comments, most people say a great relationship is based on mutual respect, common goals and love.
I ask you: Do you think we are living these values?
It is easy to say mutual respect but to have mutual respect means both people have to be autonomous-that means free from outside influence.
If most people are following along with their family and friends, they are not autonomous. Most marriages, if not all are based on the common goal of family and children, and not a common goal of the two individuals!
Now, we have love-the grand elusive word. However, connecting with someone at the heart is very profound because we are on bridge that connects our personality with our soul.
When we connect personally with our soul, we will connect with someone at the heart level. Now, we are a real lover as opposed to an actor! But, this takes a tremendous amount of understanding of one's self.
Are you ready to stop the fantasy bond about the traditional marriage?
"Self-Knowledge is the Jewel."-Serena Jade Bringing unconscious wisdom to the world...
I don't want to sit at the head of the table I don't need to be lord of the house All I'm asking for is you and I to be lovers The above lyrics are from You Belong to You, a new song by Johnny Hates Jazz.
Observe our world and you will notice MOST relationships and must likely all, are on a parent to a child level. One person wants control over the other (The Parent). The other is more than likely to obey (child).
Only until we become conscious of this dynamic, will it change. It takes a well-developed man to be an equal with their lover. It takes a well-developed woman to be an equal with their man.
Until this imbalance is resolved, a soul mate will be beyond your reach. Click on the link below to view the profound lyrics to another new Johnny Hates Jazz song... The Soul Mate Prep Blog: The Soul Mate Prep Blog#33: Do you want to hear a...: I can see it in your eyes you're a spirit I recognize feelings I can't explain and I don't even know your name Do we only ...
Are you ready to resolve the parent and child relationship?
"To touch the soul of another human being is to walk on holy ground."-Stephen R. Covey The author of 7 Habits ofHighly Effective People, Mr. Covey, touched on the very essence of a soul mate/Twin Flame connection.
"When we become conscious of our soul's mates and or twin flame, we will be in the presence of a holy deity."-Serena Jade
"This extraordinary encounter makes me feel
as if I have just arrived at a temple. I have been given access to the Divine. As
I enter the room where the holy of holies resides, I can feel the spark of the Almighty
deep within her. Her intense vibrant force makes me want to cry, and I am
struck by the realization of how very close to her I am."-Excerpt from Charismatic Connection
The above paragraph is taken from my book, CharismaticConnection. I am putting into words what Chris Antley and I experienced. Chris was the high priest and only the high clergy has access to the holy of holies.
"Only our soul has access to the holy of holies of another."- Serena Jade -However, our lower nature must be in accord with the spiritual God or Goddess before us.
Are you ready to work on your lower nature (Personality)?
The interdependent couple are two people who are independent, share power equally and take accountability for their actions and feelings.
Do we have such a role model?
As a collective society, we are just starting to transform the way we mate. In long-past times, we mated for security, social obligations and economic support. We are either co-dependent: a pseudo-independent or dependent.
Be honest and ask yourself...Do I cling to another? Do I want control of another? Do I make demands on another? Do I want to possess another?
If you answered "yes" to any of the above, you are not truly independent. Childhood unmet needs are controlling your behavior-you are not free to have a healthy relationship.
Do you want to free yourself?
"Self-Knowledge is the Jewel of all Knowledge."- Serena Jade Author/Speaker/Body, Mind, and Soul Consultant
A child's drawing of matter and antimatter at CERN!
Cern-The European Nuclear Research Center in Geneva-on the Franco-Swiss border.
Physics-comes from the Greek, "knowledge of nature." Physics is a science to understand how the universe behaves.
Every particle in the universe created out of the Big Bang appears to have a partner particle. Physicists right now only see matter. However, they understand the universe produced about as much matter as antimatter.
When matter and antimatter meet they create a third entity-energy!
Physicists know matter and antimatter are always produced as a pair. The same energy but it's opposite charge, a mirror image. The ancients Greeks knew of the Atom but they couldn't prove it.
The matter and antimatter story could certainly mirror Plato's understanding, it was their very essence that had been split in two, so each half missed its other half.-Symposium
When matter and antimatter meet it is said, "they will annihilate or there will be an explosion of joy! "
Which do you want an annihilation or joy?
If you choose joy, then it takes a tremendous amount of inner understanding. Are you ready to take the arduous journey up steep hills and down vast valleys to reunite?
I can see it in your eyes you're a spirit I recognize feelings I can't explain and I don't even know your name Do we only live to die or is it that our hearts are magnetized and our worlds collide for a reason? Been here many times before with a different face from a different shore both here to discover the other again The above lyrics are from a new song by the British New Wave Band, Johnny Hates Jazz.Watch the video here:
I heard this song yesterday and I was "wowed" by it.I am considering it the official Soul Mate/Twin Flame song! The lyrics say it all, we have been here many times before, with a different face from a different shore.
My story Charismatic Connection, gives you a first hand experience about how Chris and I collided for a reason. We saw it in our eyes, two spirits identifying one another. We have a different face but have met many times before. Both of us were here to discover the other again, but this time becoming conscious of our immortal connection!
Do you think we only live to die or are we here for a deeper reason?
"Self-Knowledge is the Jewel."-Serena Jade Creating Awareness/Uplifting Society Bringing unconscious Social/Spiritual wisdom to the world...
We live in a secular world with the term soul mates floating around.The dictionary defines a soul mate as a person ideally suited as a close friend or romantic partner.What does this mean? Ideally suited for our personality? There is a difference between personality and soul, the immortal soul is not the personality/ego.
Do you know your soul?
The popular definition of soul mates is that someone is going to complete you. In this ideal relationship, both parties are unaware of their spiritual being.In fact, I bet both parties need the other person as opposed to wanting to be with the other for a higher purpose.
Soul mates have a connection on a deep unconscious level, unknown to their conscious mind until the right moment.A true soul mate connection implies an intense and powerful bond that transcends the personality/ego!
Do you want to go beyond your ego and mate with your soul's mates?
Serena Jade Author/Speaker/Body, Mind, and Soul Consultant
Joseph Campbell said, "But I take you as my center, and you are my bliss, not the wealth that you bring me, not the social prestige, but you.That is following your bliss."
When we make a list about what we want from a soul mate, and when someone comes along and meets that criteria, we have found the One!
I have to ask you, who do you think is making the list?
Your answer is you, however, it is your ego that has a set standard NOT your soul!
If I had made a list years ago, before I crossed paths with Chris (my book CharismaticConnection you might want to read it), my ego's items would have been too small.The gift Chris gave me was a profound awakening of an eternal love.That gift is not measured in the material world. I saw HIM first and his gorgeous looks, status and wealth were second!
"Throw away the list and connect with your soul.The ego is too limited or inflated for what your soul can bring you, both materially and non-material!"-Serena Jade
Are you ready to throw away the list?
"Self-Knowledge is the Jewel."-Serena Jade Bringing unconscious Social/Mystical wisdom to the world...