I ask you: Do you think we are living these values?
It is easy to say mutual respect but to have mutual respect means both people have to be autonomous-that means free from outside influence.
If most people are following along with their family and friends, they are not autonomous. Most marriages, if not all are based on the common goal of family and children, and not a common goal of the two individuals!
Now, we have love-the grand elusive word. However, connecting with someone at the heart is very profound because we are on bridge that connects our personality with our soul.
When we connect personally with our soul, we will connect with someone at the heart level. Now, we are a real lover as opposed to an actor! But, this takes a tremendous amount of understanding of one's self.
Are you ready to stop the fantasy bond about the traditional marriage?
"Self-Knowledge is the Jewel."-Serena Jade
Bringing unconscious wisdom to the world...