
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Soul Mate Prep Blog#57: Do you know Soul Mates/Twin Flames are in the presence of a Holy Deity?

"To touch the soul of another human being is to walk on holy ground."-Stephen R. Covey

The author of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Mr. Covey, touched on the very essence of a soul mate/Twin Flame connection.

"When we become conscious of our soul's mates and or twin flame, we will be in the presence of a holy deity."-Serena Jade

"This extraordinary encounter makes me feel as if I have just arrived at a temple. I have been given access to the Divine. As I enter the room where the holy of holies resides, I can feel the spark of the Almighty deep within her. Her intense vibrant force makes me want to cry, and I am struck by the realization of how very close to her I am."-Excerpt from Charismatic Connection

The above paragraph is taken from my book, Charismatic Connection. I am putting into words what Chris Antley and I experienced. Chris was the high priest and only the high clergy has access to the holy of holies.

"Only our soul has access to the holy of holies of another."- Serena Jade -However, our lower nature must be in accord with the spiritual God or Goddess before us.

Are you ready to work on your lower nature (Personality)?
"Self-Knowledge is the Jewel."-Serena Jade

Serena Jade


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