
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The Soul Mate Prep Blog#53: Does synchronicity and soul mates go hand in hand?

Synchronicity is defined as two or more events as meaningfully related. Synchronicity is a bridge between the conscious and unconscious, the known and the unknown.

In my story, Charismatic Connection synchronicity played a big part in understanding the bond between Chris and I.

Four events that stand out are:

A horse I took care of was going to race on this particular cold day in New York. I wasn't wearing warm enough gloves and my hands started to go numb. My boss had to take the horse from me and I never saw the jockey get on or off my horse. I remember this day like it was yesterday. It was a moment where I made a big decision to change my life. Chris and I were not supposed to encounter each other at that point. It was not until years later that I intuitively knew he was the jockey on my horse. For years, I tried to get the proof that he was the rider. Just a few years ago, I called up the Racing Form, retrieved this horse's past history and through the process of elimination Chris Antley was the jockey on my horse!

The second event happened five years later and I step into a beauty school and I tell the teacher I work with racehorses. The teacher asks," Do I know Chris Antley?" I was not in the horse racing world at that moment and it was out of context but definitely related.

The third event happened five years later, Chris Antley and horse racing were so far from my conscious mind but now I am thinking about him. I saw he was back riding in New York. I thought, "I must be psychic when it comes to him!"

The fourth event happened two years later as I didn't watch a Kentucky Derby in years. But, on May 1, 1999, I just felt like watching the Derby. I put the TV on and I see Chris Antley is riding a long-shot named Charismatic. I just knew he was going to win and they did!  That event would crystallize our connection!

Are you open to meaningful events that will link you to a deeper connection?

"Self-Knowledge is the Jewel of all Knowledge."-Serena Jade

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