
Showing posts with label Physics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Physics. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Did You Read Origin by Dan Brown?

Dan Brown asks two questions in his new book, Origin-where did we come from? and where are we going?

I feel Dan Brown is planting seeds for a future mindset. Mr. Brown links together science and religion. Can we create a new mindset by understanding the philosophy of physics?

In Origin, Dan Brown quotes the English writer William Blake, "The dark Religions are departed and Sweet Science Reigns."

Mr. Brown ends his story by saying, "Mr. Blake believed that religions came in two flavors-the dark, dogmatic religions that oppressed creative thinking...and the light, expansive religions that encouraged introspection and creatively."

Mr. Brown assures us, "Sweet Science will banish the dark the enlightened religions can flourish."

By quieting your Ego and what you been taught verbally about God, you can get in touch with your soul, which requires introspection. When you know the difference between your ego and soul, you can relate to the science of nature-physics.

The enlightened Religions are the esoteric universal, spiritual wisdom of all faiths-which requires introspection for a direct union with your soul and the transcendent energy of the universe!

Kabbalah: The Esoteric Wisdom of Judaism 

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Where are we going? -creating a new mindset?

Serena Jade

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Soul Mate Prep Blog#36: Does matter and antimatter in physics mirror the ultimate soul mate?

A child's drawing of matter and antimatter at CERN!
Cern-The European Nuclear Research Center in Geneva-on the Franco-Swiss border.

Physics-comes from the Greek, "knowledge of nature." Physics is a science to understand how the universe behaves.

Every particle in the universe created out of the Big Bang appears to have a partner particle. Physicists right now only see matter. However, they understand the universe produced about as much  matter as antimatter.

When matter and antimatter meet they create a third entity-energy!

Physicists know matter and antimatter are always produced as a pair. The same energy but it's opposite charge, a mirror image. The ancients Greeks knew of the Atom but they couldn't prove it.

The matter and antimatter story could certainly mirror Plato's understanding, it was their very essence that had been split in two, so each half missed its other half.-Symposium

When matter and antimatter meet it is said, "they will annihilate or there will be an explosion of joy! "

Which do you want an annihilation or joy?

If you choose joy, then it takes a tremendous amount of inner understanding. Are you ready to take the arduous journey up steep hills and down vast valleys to reunite? 
                            Serena Jade
Author/Speaker/Body, Mind, and Soul Consultant