
Monday, February 7, 2022

My Soul Mates And Deepest Most Profound Eternal Love Belong To My Soul And The Divine...

Soul Mates and the Deepest Most Profound Eternal Love belong to your Soul and the Divine. Plato calls this type of love, celestial. This is a deeply spiritual connection, not your ordinary love. 

"If your unique personality compels you to contemplate your soul in a serious manner, you are probably someone who has a high level of spiritual curiosity, and it is likely that you will reach out to God often-even on an ordinary day. 

However, when carrying out our search for our souls, we need to be conscious that our dreams and aspirations, even though these are essentially non-material, do not have anything to do with the soul.

Family, education, and various cultural resources, such as books, theater, and so on, are also at work within us and may appear in our thoughts. Therefore, the emergence of new dreams or a longing for something new may not necessarily be spiritual in origin. While it is possible to search within ourselves and find things that are not part of our ordinary reality, many of these are mere reflections of external reality or illusions that lodge themselves within us and are not part of the soul in any fundamental way. 

Therefore, we should take care not to confuse true, authentic reality with something that was transplanted from outside sources. It is not easy to discover the soul within us because of various kinds of background noise that conceal it from us. Only after these noises from the past or present are set aside can we reach a point where we will be able to withstand the ultimate test-the test of truth."-Rabbi Steinsaltz 

 Are you a person who is compelled to contemplate your soul in a serious manner? 

Serena Jade is a Scapegoat Transformed. Author/Speaker of New Thought. Bringer of New Social & Spiritual Wisdom.- “Nothing great was ever achieved through conformity. To thine own uniqueness be true!” – Futurist Jim Carroll

Serena Jade

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