
Sunday, October 10, 2021

What Happens When We Die? Netflix's Midnight Mass Speech About Death Is So Beautifully Executed.

What happens when we die? 

"The body stops a cell at a time, but the brain keeps firing neurons. Little lightning bolts, like fireworks inside. I thought I'd despair or feel afraid, but I don't feel any of that. Because I'm too busy, Remembering. Of Course. 

I remember that every atom in my body was forged in a star. This matter, this body is mostly just empty space after all, and solid matter? It's just energy vibrating slowly and there is no me. There never was. The electrons mingle and dance with the electrons of the ground below me and the air I am no longer breathing. And I remember.

There is no point where any of that ends and I begin. I remember, I am energy. Not self, My name, My personality, my choices all came after me. I was before them and will be after and everything else is a picture, picked up along the way. And I am the lightning that jumps between. I am the energy, firing the neurons and I am remembering, just remembering, I am returning home. 

And it's like a drop of water, falling back into the ocean of which It's always been a part. All of us a part, everyone who has ever been, every plant, every animal, every atom, every star, every galaxy all of it. More galaxies in the universe than grains of sand on the beach. And that's what we're talking about when we say "God." The One. 

The cosmos and Its infinite dreams. We are the cosmos, dreaming of its self. It's simply a dream that I think is my life. But I will forget this, I always do. I always forget my dreams. But now in this split second, in this moment, I remember. 

The instant I remember, I comprehend everything at once. There is no time. There is no death, life is a dream, made again and again and on into eternity. And I am all of it, I am that I am."- Netflix's Midnight Mass.

"Remembering Our Soul Is Being Spiritual."-Serena Jade

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