
Showing posts with label and Soul Consultant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label and Soul Consultant. Show all posts

Thursday, July 4, 2013

The Soul Mate Prep Blog#15:Politically, we as a social order would say,"it is Okay" to love your body at any size, However, is it really?

Drop Dead Diva is a cable TV show. Deb a model, dies, goes to heaven and hits the wrong button and comes back to earth in Jane's body; who is an overweight lawyer.The show reminds me of the film Heaven Can Wait, the 1980's remake of a guy who dies but wasn't supposed to die and his soul comes back to earth in a body of a football player.

Last week, I posted a question on the Drop Dead Diva facebook page. Jane's soul has been in heaven and now comes back on earth. I ask, what do you think of Jane's soul coming back in a fit and sexy body?

I received a response..."I think that completely defeats the point of the show.The idea is to show that big and beautiful people everywhere, that body love is good for all shapes and sizes.Also, what does my link have to do with the question or the show?"

When I read the response I immediately thought I offended someone. Politically, the right answer would be it is okay to love your body at any size.However, being overweight is a sign that the person is eating too much. It is not okay! We as a social order would not say to someone, "it is okay to drink alcohol to an excess." Would we?

At first, I wasn't going to respond but I thought about it and I wrote-To truly love your body, one needs to love it from the inside out.That means "shame and guilt," need to come out in the open.Once that inside connection happens, one will take good care of their body. 

Then I addressed the question: what does the link to my website have to do with the question or the show? I answered: the show is about Deb's soul in a different body.Do you desire a soul mate?

A soul mate is a soul, one has loved across time.The soul comes back on earth in a different body.Do you think you can recognize one of your soul's mates?

Are you getting in touch with your shame and guilt?

Do you think you can recognize your soul's mates?

                           Serena Jade
Author/Speaker/Body, Mind, and Soul Consultant