
Sunday, September 28, 2014

The Soul Mate Prep Blog#81: What image comes to mind when you hear the word Mysticism?

In today's world, mysticism often leads us to a place of obscurity. It conjures up images of witches, warlocks, sorcery, and vampires. The profound mystery of our eternal essence remains unconscious to many, and thus, what is not conscious is deemed sinister and malevolent.

Mysticism originates from the Greek word for 'that which is hidden.' Typically, mystical experiences are silent and beyond understanding. It involves closing one's eyes to the physical world while opening the 'third eye,' and remaining silent to immerse oneself in the spiritual enigma both within and around us."

Mysticism represents a direct connection with an inspiring spiritual enigma. Direct contact with the mystery of our soul transcends our ordinary mind and fosters a sacred relationship within. However, the ego and soul do not reach equilibrium on their own. One will dominate the other until we live from the heart and cultivate our entire self.

Are you in touch with the spiritual mystery within and without? 

Mysticism represents a genuine spiritual encounter. Every religion is founded on firsthand spiritual experiences."
Serena Jade

Religion originates from the Latin word that means to reconnect us with our Divine source. Every religion encompasses an esoteric (hidden) aspect, which is the inner spiritual tradition of a specific faith. Individuals who pursue the esoteric journey are known as mystics. This journey is not about belief; it is about self-discovery, leading them to an awareness of their soul and the Transcendent Force of the Universe.

'To recognize the soul in another is the mystic's path.'

Soul Mates and Twin Flames are connections to the direct experience of your soul! 

Next time, you hear the word mysticism, will you think of a deep spiritual experience or a dark magical hocus pocus?

"Self-Knowledge is the Jewel."-Serena Jade
Check Out what Mystics throughout the ages have said about the Soul...

Monday, September 22, 2014

The Soul Mate Prep Blog#80: Did Adam and Eve have great Self-Esteem?

Two people with great self-esteem, take responsibility for their actions and feelings. They have a sense of value and can manage their thoughts and feelings on their own. They don't have to blame or control someone else to feel ok.

Did Adam and Eve have this interaction?

God asked Adam: Who made you eat from the tree?

Adam answered: The woman you put here with me-she gave me some fruit from the tree.

God asked the woman: What is it that you have done?

The woman answered: The serpent gave me the fruit.

Clearly, Adam and Eve didn't have a high sense of value for themselves or each other!

Do you want this relationship to continue to be the role-model?

"Self-Knowledge is the Jewel."-Serena Jade
Bringing unconscious wisdom to the world...

Monday, September 15, 2014

The Soul Mate Prep Blog#79: Do you speak and act with Integrity?

The color blue is associated with the voice of our true self. When
our mind and emotions are working on the same team, we have the power to make a wise choice! We make the best decision from our place of authenticity.

"To speak with integrity is authenticity."-Serena Jade

Integrity-from Wi " kipedia:

Integrity is a personal choice, an uncompromising and consistent commitment to honor moral, ethical, spiritual, and artistic values and principles.
"I value my conviction about my experience and knowledge about the soul and soul mates."-Serena Jade

I am not going to lie for personal gain knowing what all mystics past and present and I, understand about the soul. And the soul is not the ego! Soul Mates and Twin Flames are mates to one's soul.  Lying for personal gain is what has happened and is happening with soul mates and twin flames. "The Twin Flame Journey People" are not initiated into the mystical, hidden experience, and lie to make a profit or for personal gain as they twist the understanding to make people think they know. And naive people fall for it, because they are hearing what they want to hear as opposed to hearing what they need to hear. 

The extraordinary bond-known as soul mates have been corrupted...

Remember, corruption means to speak and act dishonestly in return for money or personal gain.

The sacred bond of soul mates/twin flames have been reduced to lust and survival needs. I say with integrity, STOP MAKING THE LOVE OF SOUL MATES THE PROFANE!

Will you speak and act with integrity today?

"Self-Knowledge is the Jewel."-Serena Jade
Bringing unconscious wisdom to the world...


Monday, September 8, 2014

The Soul Mate Prep Blog#78: Does your rational mind blow off a sixth sense?

We live in a Five sensory world! The thought of tapping into another sense does not rule our world.

However, the only way we can recognize our own soul and soul mates is through the sixth sense, because the soul is intangible.

So, both women and men have to be in touch with another sense. It is much easier for a introverted person to understand their intuitive mind. Intuition comes from the Latin, "to see within." It is a lot harder for the extroverted person because their focus is mainly directed outward, but not impossible to achieve.

Are you in touch with your sixth sense?

If not, would you like to be?

"Self-Knowledge is the Jewel."-Serena Jade
Bringing unconscious wisdom to the world...

Monday, September 1, 2014

The Soul Mate Prep Blog#77: Is Plato's wisdom about soul mates folklore?

"Each person's shape was complete: they were round, with their backs and sides forming a circle. They had four hands and the same number of legs, and two absolutely identical faces on a cylindrical neck."-Excerpt from Symposium

Article after article, conversation after conversation, I hear the same description of Plato's wisdom. Did anyone read Symposium?

I love this wisdom from Symposium, and I feel it is more important than the above: "As we all know, love and Aphrodite are inseparable. The duality of Aphrodite is undeniable: One Aphrodite, the one we call celestial is older. The other, the younger one is called common."- Plato

In other words, the bond between companion soul mates is an infinite connection, as opposed to the self-interests between personalities.

The one called common has to do with our personality and survival needs. The one called celestial has to do with the deeper part of us. The common relationship will just satisfy our survival needs as Karmic obstacles will infuse chaos and the soul is unconscious to the parties involved.

Ultimately..."If we conduct ourselves with reverence towards the gods, then he will restore us to our original nature, healed and blessed with perfect happiness."-Excerpt from Symposium

The ego finally makes the unity with your soul, and brings together your human nature with your spiritual essence-YOU COMPLETE YOU!
The reunion with our other half [of our Divine nature] will be our mirror and we don't own the mirror, we regard the reflection with great awe and devotion!

Two separate complete individuals, mirroring their Divine qualities and becoming greater and stronger together...

Do you think Plato, the great lover of truth was writing folklore?

"Self-Knowledge is the Jewel."-Serena Jade
Bringing unconscious wisdom to the world...