
Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Are You On A High Protein Diet?

As a former Personal Trainer, I always encouraged my clients,
that a balance of Carbohydrates, Protein, and Fats are the key to eating healthy. We like to assume that going on a diet is going to jump start our weight goals. However, when you go on a diet, you automatically eat in deprivation. You cannot sustain that for very long, and then that's where people go on a binge.

Our collective mindset is focused on a high protein diet at the moment. I have debated for years, going on a high protein diet can cause you to dehydrate, as you lose muscle mass and bone density. Your body gets it's energy source from carbs, if your body doesn't get its energy, it will take energy from the protein in your muscles. You do not want that scenario because muscles need protein. If you lose muscle mass, you degraded your ability to burn calories at a higher rate. It is defeating the purpose. Carbs get a bad reputation because people eat too much, and there is a difference between Simple vs. Complex Carbs. Here is a list of Complex carbs...

I was watching Down to Earth with Zac Efron on Netflix last night. He was on the Island of Sardinia and it's considered a Blue Zone. A Blue Zone is where a large population live to a hundred and beyond. 

Zac Efron sat down with two scientists dedicated to the study of long life. They said, if you want to live a long life, low protein is the way to live. They also said, you are at a higher risk of cancer, when we eat a high protein diet. They recommend, 10 grams of sugar a day is ok, but 100 grams is not, and keep physically and mentally active throughout life. 

"I always argued, food should not be labeled good vs. bad. One is either healthy, or not as healthy."-Serena Jade

Are you up for the challenge to live to 100 disease free? 

Serena Jade

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Did You See The Stud Get His Balls Chopped Off In The Third Season Of Ozark?

I love Ozark, and in the third season Marty and Wendy, buy a Horse Farm for their drug lord, Omar Navarro. Mr. Navarro is in a war with one Stallion's owner. Mr. Navarro's retaliation-he is going to cut off the balls of his rival's stud. The horse can on longer make any money for his enemy.  

In real life, the fate of a racehorse's balls is determined by their temperament. Some colts are just too aggressive to keep their testicles, and the best decision is to cut them. Another decision is their bloodline is just not valuable to reproduce. Whatever the decision to cut them, they are now called geldings. 

Usually, the procedure is preformed with the horse standing under general anesthesia. When the Vet snips the balls, you definitely hear a crunch! The balls are then tossed on top of the barn for good luck. I have personally witnessed a couple of cuts in my life. 

Just thought you would like to know!

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Did You Know There Is A Force More Powerful Than Free Will?

"I used to believe that people determined their own lives. We were in control, commanding our futures, choosing our spouses, picking professions, responsible for the decisions that shape the course of our lives. Yet there is one force more powerful than free will... our unconscious."- Netflix's Gypsy

The purpose of psychoanalysis is to dive into the unconscious. A good therapist, will help the patient make their unconscious, conscious. However, as a society we are so consumed with taking a drug, rather than uncovering our unconscious. 

Just like the line from the Netflix series Gypsy, there is one force more powerful than free will...

It doesn't matter if we take a pill or not, our unconscious is always there directing our lives, whether we like it or not.

"Consequently, the crystal clear message appears to be that fate, destiny, decisions, and human behavior cannot be understood without taking the unconscious psychological process into account."-Rabbi Berg- To The Power of One.

"No individual can ever achieve a completed phase of Tshuvah (A Return), where the individual comes into total control of his fate and destiny, unless he becomes knowledgeable of the unconscious root psychological processes of the soul, along with the knowledge of former lifetimes."-Rabbi Luria-The Gates of Reincarnation.  

"Until we make the unconscious, conscious it will direct our lives and we will call it fate."-Carl Jung

Do you have the courage to go down the rabbit hole and into your unconscious?

Serena Jade