
Showing posts with label Fate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fate. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Did You Know There Is A Force More Powerful Than Free Will?

"I used to believe that people determined their own lives. We were in control, commanding our futures, choosing our spouses, picking professions, responsible for the decisions that shape the course of our lives. Yet there is one force more powerful than free will... our unconscious."- Netflix's Gypsy

The purpose of psychoanalysis is to dive into the unconscious. A good therapist, will help the patient make their unconscious, conscious. However, as a society we are so consumed with taking a drug, rather than uncovering our unconscious. 

Just like the line from the Netflix series Gypsy, there is one force more powerful than free will...

It doesn't matter if we take a pill or not, our unconscious is always there directing our lives, whether we like it or not.

"Consequently, the crystal clear message appears to be that fate, destiny, decisions, and human behavior cannot be understood without taking the unconscious psychological process into account."-Rabbi Berg- To The Power of One.

"No individual can ever achieve a completed phase of Tshuvah (A Return), where the individual comes into total control of his fate and destiny, unless he becomes knowledgeable of the unconscious root psychological processes of the soul, along with the knowledge of former lifetimes."-Rabbi Luria-The Gates of Reincarnation.  

"Until we make the unconscious, conscious it will direct our lives and we will call it fate."-Carl Jung

Do you have the courage to go down the rabbit hole and into your unconscious?

Serena Jade

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Soul Mate Prep Blog#117: A line from the film, Passengers: We are all passengers to fate...

 "The psychological rule says that when an inner situation is not made conscious, it happens outside, as fate. That is to say, when the individual remains undivided and does not become conscious of his inner opposite, the world must [unavoidably] act out the conflict and be torn into opposing halves. - So, whatever is not conscious will be experienced as fate." - Carl Jung

"The unconscious will control your life as if you are just the passenger to your fate, as opposed to a Conscious Captain steering You to Your Destiny."-Serena Jade 

 Jim and five-thousand other passengers and crew are traveling to a new planet. Their one hundred and twenty-year journey is spent asleep in a hibernation pod. After thirty years floating in space, a malfunction of the spacecraft opens Jim's pod ninety years early. After one year alone with just an android as his only friend, Jim wakes up Aurora.

Aurora is a writer from New York and wants to tell a unique story of her travels to the new planet and back. When Aurora finds out Jim deliberately woke her up,  she feels betrayed. But in the end, if she did not wake up early, Aurora would not be able to write her story. Then her fellow passengers would not know about her experiences with Jim, while they were sleeping.

I see Passengers as a metaphor for waking up to our immortal nature. It is very difficult to relate to someone at the deepest level, while they're still asleep and you are awake!

Chris woke me up early, but that is my story, Charismatic Connection!

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Soul Mate Prep Blog#40: Are You Letting Fate or Free Will, Control your Destiny?

 "Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate."- Carl Jung

I was fated to be the caretaker for my mother.My mother imposed her free will onto me. I was not supposed to be happy or have a life of my own.

However, my free will gave me the wisdom to understand this dysfunctional interplay. My conscious awareness empowered me to make a wise choice and move toward my destiny.

I needed an emotional sense of self before I could take the journey to make a choice. It has been really, really hard to break away from my fate.

"The less self-awareness a person has, the more he is unfree.That is to say, the more he is controlled by inhibitions,  repressions, childhood conditioning which he has consciously "forgotten" but which still drive him unconsciously."-Rollo May

Are you letting fate or free will, control your destiny?

                            Serena Jade