
Showing posts with label Despression. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Despression. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The Soul Mate Prep Blog#38: Do you think medication should be the main form of treatment for depression?

Last week, I received a link to watch, Andrew Solomon, a writer on politics, culture and psychology give a TED speech on depression.

In the comment box I write: Great medication the answer? In my experience, no! My dysfunctional upbringing was the cause and the effect was my depression.I have spent years undoing my unhealthy childhood.

I like the part in the speech Andrew says, "you relapse and relapse."

Depression is an important part of healing, because it is telling you issues that were once repressed are coming to the surface and needs to be brought into one's conscious mind.Medication will rob you of this precious gift!

I received a response about the medication issue and I said: I feel most get defensive when medication is viewed as a weakness.That is not what I am saying, I am saying in order to transform, we need to be in touch with the pain, so we can understand what the pain is saying! 

Medication robs us of the pain. We have a tendency to say everything is okay, when the pain is not there. Medication is a mask covering the pain.

Just Like, if your back hurts, your body is telling you something is wrong and needs attention.

Our mind is the same, the pain is telling us something is wrong and needs your attention. However, the answer is not right in front of us. That is where therapy and doing one's homework can and will, transform the unhealthy mindset, and after years will bring you a serene mind!

I received another response: The person says, I agree in part, but what if it is a chemical problem?

I answer: I feel if doctors viewed my brain years ago, they would have viewed a very different brain than what my brain looks like today. A different state of mind changes the molecules in your brain.

I feel if one goes into the psychotic phase, one needs medication. However, how many of us are going into the psychotic phase?

I came across an article I saved from 15-years ago it says," our society's medical insurance and how pharmaceutical companies attack Freud and Jung, and say we don't need therapy anymore, and that therapy doesn't do any good. Just take these pills. 

The whole advance in psychology made through suffering, all that is thrown away and you simply give people pills for their depression."

No one is going to tell me if I took pills years ago, I would be transformed.  The pain and my will to know myself gave me the greatest gift: I created myself into a whole person with a serene mind!

Therapy should be the main form of treatment for depression. Do you agree or disagree?

                           Serena Jade
Author/Speaker/Body, Mind, and Soul Consultant