
Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Soul Mate Prep Blog#26: Are some parents too permissive?

I would like to quote John Sanford, a Jungian does not help a child to have parents who are permissive toward all kinds of behavior.In a permissive atmosphere a child's capacity to develop their own monitoring system is blunted.The ego development will then be too weak to enable the child as an adult to cope.

My parents were anything but permissive.However, I don't condone the way my parents especially my mother parented me.However, I do know if they were permissive, my personality would not have the strength to handle the pain and to overcome the dysfunctional family system I was born in.

I was watching, The Piers Morgan Show the other night and Piers was interviewing, Pastor Rick Warren and his wife.In my opinion, the Warren's were permissive with their mentally ill son, who just recently committed suicide. Rick Warren and his wife knew their son purchased an illegal gun.

Do you think it is acceptable to witness your child (who is unstable) have a gun in their possession?

Piers Morgan I feel is a hypocrite, he has been going on and on about stricter gun laws.However, he did not challenge the Warren's on why they did not do anything knowing their mentally ill son had an illegal gun and could have killed others too.

Shouldn't we protect our loved ones from harm?

I know one cannot stop someone from hurting themselves or others but we can do everything possible to prevent such an occurrence.

Ultimately, it is the parents job to instill moral behavior in their child.That means, it is the parent's job not to be too permissive nor too strict but somewhere in between. Parents should have knowledge of their own psychological history, so we can create mentally whole healthy children.

When I was younger, I thought I was the mentally ill person in my family.After years of being an explorer of my own personal history, I discovered it was not me who was mentally ill but my mother and her father before her and so and so on...

Are you ready to take accountability for your child's mental health?

                            Serena Jade
Author/Speaker/Body, Mind, and Soul Consultant

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