
Showing posts with label Mind and Soul Consultant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mind and Soul Consultant. Show all posts

Thursday, July 18, 2013

The Soul Mate Prep Blog#17: What is a Mezuzah?

A Mezuzah is a holy prayer,"Hear o' Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one," and is encased in a decorative covering.
A Mezuzah is placed on the front door and inside the doors of a Jewish home.It is said in the book of Deuteronomy, "place the Shema on the knob posts of your house." Every time you look upon the Mezuzah, you are reminded of the Divine's presence within and without.
Do you want a blessing for your home?
Place a holy prayer on the front door and connect with the Divine within and without!
Serena Jade
Author/Speaker/Body, Mind, and Soul Consultant

Thursday, July 11, 2013

The Soul Mate Prep Blog#16: Are you into Couples Therapy?

Last night, I was watching a cable TV series called Couples Therapy.Five couples living in a California resort and willing to talk about their problems with a psychotherapist.

Listening to these people talk about their family dysfunction and they and (we) expect to have a great relationship?

How can we live happily ever after, if we come from such

I am on this earth for 47 years and in my own experience, we must understand our family dysfunction and our role in it, before we enter a relationship with another.I know this goes against what we have been taught.However, if I didn't take the time to be an explorer of my own personal history, there was no way another person can make up for what my family could not provide for me!

"We need to be in a relationship with our self before we enter a relationship with another."-Serena Jade

Are you willing to be an explorer of your history?

Are you willing to be alone to get in touch with you?

                           Serena Jade
Author/Speaker/Body, Mind, and Soul Consultant

Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Soul Mate Prep Blog#13: What is a functional family?

In a functional family, life works. We are able to perceive in the here and now [all our needs are being met].We can think for ourselves, rather than being told what to think. We can feel and not be told what to feel. We have the freedom to choose what we desire without pressure from our parents on what they desire for us. We have the freedom to be our true self with clear boundaries.

In order for the above to happen, both mother and father need to be mature.

Maturity means we have graduated from our family of origin, and have become our own person, with clear ego boundaries. We can relate to our family of origin without being fused or joined to them. We are our own person, where we can move away from them without guilt or move near without absorption, this means we are emotionally free.

Do you think maturity is role modeled in our society?

There is an age old saying, "Women mature faster than men." Women are raised to feel connected to their nurturing nature more than men. However, maturity has nothing to do with feeling. Maturity is a profound sense of self, separate from our family of origin.

"The greatest gift you can give your child is a functional YOU."-Serena Jade

Are you ready to become mature?

If not, why not?

                           Serena Jade
Author/Speaker/Body,Mind, and Soul Consultant

Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Soul Mate Prep Blog#10: Is a Soul Mate relationship for you?

Most people think a soul mate is a relationship where perfect bliss takes place.That fantasy can be reality but it takes a tremendous amount of knowing one's self in order for that to happen.

Your personality has to acquire a partnership with your own soul in order to mate with one of your soul's mates.When we can create this partnership with ourselves, then we can mate with our soul's mates in heavenly bliss!

With that said...How many of you really want a soul mate relationship?

By just observing life, most people want someone there to fulfill a void,to survive and to procreate.It might sound very romantic being in a state of heavenly bliss.But as a (whole) most people just want to survive.

Are you ready to take on the huge responsibility to know yourself?

                            Serena Jade
Author/Speaker/Body,Mind, and Soul Consultant

Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Soul Mate Prep Blog#6: Are You Cynical?

The dictionary defines cynical as: believing that people are motivated by self-interest.Doubtful as to whether something will happen.

Marilyn Ferguson author of The Aquarian Conspiracy states: "Those who are cynical about change are usually cynical about themselves and their own ability to change for the better."

Do you trust in your ability to change for the better?

If not, who are you blaming?

                           Serena Jade
Author/Speaker/Body, Mind, and Soul Consultant


Thursday, April 11, 2013

The Soul Mate Prep Blog#5: Is Your Mind in Paradise?

I am called the Bird of Paradise.People call me magnificent and joyful.I live in an ideal state of mind, I am free.I am referred to as Paradise itself!

I ask you my dear friends, are you bringing your mind into a state of freedom?

"The less self-awareness a person has, the more he is unfree.That is to say, the more he is controlled by inhibitions, repressions, childhood conditioning, which he has consciously "forgotten" but still drive him unconsciously...he is unfree."-Rollo May,PH.D.

Is your mind unfree and living in paradise?

                           Serena Jade
Author/Speaker/Body, Mind, and Soul Consultant

Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Soul Mate Prep Blog#3: Do You Think Your Mind and Soul are More Important Than Your Body?

"When we are young and don't cultivate a healthy lifestyle, we will grow older and our bodies will reflect the neglect."-Serena Jade

Our body should be very important to us.When we are young, we don't realize our muscles need attention. After the age of 30, if we don't lift weights our muscles will atrophy.

By the time we hit middle age, our bodies will show signs of aging.However, if we commit to a work out program consisting of (heavy) weights and cardio, when we are in our twenties.We are better inclined to have an attractive body by the time middle age is upon us!

Are you ready to love your body?

If not, maybe unconsciously you feel you are not worth it?

                           Serena Jade
Author/Speaker/Body, Mind, and Soul Consultant

Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Soul Mate Prep Blog#2: Are you buying into Men and Women are Opposing Opposites?

When are we, as a society going to accept men and women are NOT different?

If we see ourselves as different at the personality level, how are we going to unite at the deeper level?  "Connecting with another's soul is not a superficial union." -Serena Jade

If we have the mindset so and so is different from me, because they are the opposite sex, then how are we to accept the deeper part of them? We can't!

In the soul mate order, the souls are eternally connected.The soul's recognition doesn't know of the world of duality because the soul is made up of the same substance.

Are you ready to change your mindset that men and women are not different?

Are you ready to identify with the opposite inside your own personality?

                           Serena Jade
Author/Speaker/Body, Mind, and Soul Consultant