Love Your Body |
Your body should be treated like a temple. When your emotions are working on the same team as your mind, you will want to be a good parent for your body.
Working out consistently and eating healthy are paramount to keeping your body in top form. When our emotions of guilt and shame control us, we are not the best advocate for our body. Get in touch with your guilt and shame to create a body that you will love.
Are you ready to love your body?
"Self-Knowledge is the Jewel."-Serena Jade
Bringing unconscious Social/Mystical wisdom to the world...www.serenajade.co
"When we are young and don't cultivate a healthy lifestyle, we will grow older and our bodies will reflect the neglect."-Serena Jade
Our body should be very important to us.When we are young, we don't realize our muscles need attention. After the age of 30, if we don't lift weights our muscles will atrophy.
By the time we hit middle age, our bodies will show signs of aging.However, if we commit to a work out program consisting of (heavy) weights and cardio, when we are in our twenties.We are better inclined to have an attractive body by the time middle age is upon us!
Are you ready to love your body?
If not, maybe unconsciously you feel you are not worth it?
Serena Jade
Author/Speaker/Body, Mind, and Soul Consultantwww.serenajade.co