The traditional marriage equals two separate people interacting with one another. Fast forward a year and a half and we have one person in charge for the both of them.
When one person wants control of the other, we love the power and not the person. Ideally, we have to figure out, what are the obstacles that prevent us from truly loving us. When we figure that out, we can mate with someone who loves us and not the power!
Do you want someone who loves Power or You?
"Self-Knowledge is the Jewel."-Serena Jade
Joseph Campbell said, "But I take you as my center, and you are my bliss, not the wealth that you bring me, not the social prestige, but you.That is following your bliss."
When we make a list about what we want from a soul mate, and when someone comes along and meets that criteria, we have found the One!
I have to ask you, who do you think is making the list?
Your answer is you, however, it is your ego that has a set standard NOT your soul!
If I had made a list years ago, before I crossed paths with Chris (my book Charismatic Connection you might want to read it), my ego's items would have been too small.The gift Chris gave me was a profound awakening of an eternal love.That gift is not measured in the material world. I saw HIM first and his gorgeous looks, status and wealth were second!
"Throw away the list and connect with your soul.The ego is too limited or inflated for what your soul can bring you, both materially and non-material!"-Serena Jade
Are you ready to throw away the list?
"Self-Knowledge is the Jewel."-Serena Jade
Bringing unconscious Social/Mystical wisdom to the
The dictionary defines autonomy as: freedom from external influence or control.
"To be autonomous is the ultimate state of being because one has an internal strength to guard their space."-Serena Jade
I was a classic co-dependent.I took on the pseudo-independent role but I didn't have freedom.I thought about others approval and feelings more than my own.In so doing, there was a lot of shame and doubt in my head.
To be autonomous is to be empowered; this means one owns their freedom.When an empowered person gets into a relationship with a significant other - THE COMMON DOMINATE AND SUBSERVIENT: DOES NOT APPLY!
Are you ready to own your freedom?
Serena Jade
Author/Speaker/Body, Mind, and Soul