
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The Soul Mate Prep Blog#58:Do you belong to You?

I don't want to sit at the head of the table
I don't need to be lord of the house
All I'm asking for is you and I to be lovers

The above lyrics are from You Belong to You, a new song by Johnny Hates Jazz.

Observe our world and you will notice MOST relationships and must likely all, are on a parent to a child level. One person wants control over the other (The Parent). The other is more than likely to obey (child).

Only until we become conscious of this dynamic, will it change. It takes a well-developed man to be an equal with their lover. It takes a well-developed woman to be an equal with their man.

Until this imbalance is resolved, a soul mate will be beyond your reach. Click on the link below to view the profound lyrics to another new Johnny Hates Jazz song...
The Soul Mate Prep Blog: The Soul Mate Prep Blog#33: Do you want to hear a...: I can see it in your eyes you're a spirit I recognize feelings I can't explain and I don't even know your name Do we only ...

Are you ready to resolve the parent and child relationship?

"Self-Knowledge is the Jewel." -Serena Jade


Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Soul Mate Prep Blog#57: Do you know Soul Mates/Twin Flames are in the presence of a Holy Deity?

"To touch the soul of another human being is to walk on holy ground."-Stephen R. Covey

The author of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Mr. Covey, touched on the very essence of a soul mate/Twin Flame connection.

"When we become conscious of our soul's mates and or twin flame, we will be in the presence of a holy deity."-Serena Jade

"This extraordinary encounter makes me feel as if I have just arrived at a temple. I have been given access to the Divine. As I enter the room where the holy of holies resides, I can feel the spark of the Almighty deep within her. Her intense vibrant force makes me want to cry, and I am struck by the realization of how very close to her I am."-Excerpt from Charismatic Connection

The above paragraph is taken from my book, Charismatic Connection. I am putting into words what Chris Antley and I experienced. Chris was the high priest and only the high clergy has access to the holy of holies.

"Only our soul has access to the holy of holies of another."- Serena Jade -However, our lower nature must be in accord with the spiritual God or Goddess before us.

Are you ready to work on your lower nature (Personality)?
"Self-Knowledge is the Jewel."-Serena Jade

Serena Jade


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Soul Mate Prep Blog#56: Both people desire sex in the beginning of a relationship, why doesn't it last?

In the beginning, both people are going with the flow with their new found sexual partner. However, that doesn't last long, power starts to infiltrate the relationship. One person wants control and expects their sexual needs to be taken care of. The flow has stopped and what was a natural process, has become a chore for the person who is under control.

Over the years, I have heard people say, sex is the glue that holds couples together.

I disagree and many books have been written about sex is the climax to a give and take outside the bedroom!

Why doesn't the flow last?

Because one person wants to control both people and the natural flow has been halted.

What is the solution?

I quote Jimi Hendrix, "when the power of love overcomes the love of power."- Our relationships will flow outside the bedroom as well as inside.

Do you agree or disagree?

"Self-Knowledge is the Jewel of all Knowledge."-Serena Jade

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The Soul Mate Prep Blog#55: What do women want most in a man that starts with the letter M?

Sacred (Money) and Profane (Soul Mate) Love by Titian

Fourteen sunsets ago, I was flipping through the channels and stopped at Family Feud. Steve Harvey, the host, asked, What do women want most in a man that starts with the letter M?

The contestants answered, masculinity, muscles. However, the number 1 answer was...Money!

What does this say about our society?

"We say we want love but our emotions say, "I need someone else to be responsible for me."-Serena Jade

Most women want to be taken care of but when someone else is responsible for another, it creates an imbalance.

The imbalance sets up a child to a parent relationship. As a society, let's transcend our 12th century emotions into a 21st- century, interdependent couple!

Are you ready to change?

"Self-Knowledge is the Jewel of all Knowledge."-Serena Jade

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The Soul Mate Prep Blog#54: Are you addicted?

Did you know codependency/dependency is the cause?

Best-selling author John Bradshaw said, "Codependency/dependency is the root of addiction."

Codependency/dependency is an unhealthy way to parent. Either the parents are not physically/emotionally there for the child and grows up to be the codependent person. Or the parents are there too much for the child and grows up to be the dependent person.

"All of us are addicted to something. So, that means we are all either codependent or dependent."-Serena Jade

I grew up codependent, I was assigned the role as the caretaker for my mother. My mother was dependent and logically, the natural order of parenting was reversed. I was abandoned and left with emotional scars. I am still recovering from the emotional distress and threat from my childhood.

I would say the biggest addiction for me is trying to control my life. This is a compulsive behavior-my addiction.

However, I am aware of my dysfunctional childhood. In the past twenty-months, I unwrapped my defense mechanisms that covered up the anxiety of my stressful childhood. Not an easy feat and I continue every day to achieve healthy boundaries and connect with my higher self!

Are you aware of your childhood?

Were your parents codependent or dependent?

"Self-Knowledge is the Jewel of all Knowledge."-Serena Jade

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The Soul Mate Prep Blog#53: Does synchronicity and soul mates go hand in hand?

Synchronicity is defined as two or more events as meaningfully related. Synchronicity is a bridge between the conscious and unconscious, the known and the unknown.

In my story, Charismatic Connection synchronicity played a big part in understanding the bond between Chris and I.

Four events that stand out are:

A horse I took care of was going to race on this particular cold day in New York. I wasn't wearing warm enough gloves and my hands started to go numb. My boss had to take the horse from me and I never saw the jockey get on or off my horse. I remember this day like it was yesterday. It was a moment where I made a big decision to change my life. Chris and I were not supposed to encounter each other at that point. It was not until years later that I intuitively knew he was the jockey on my horse. For years, I tried to get the proof that he was the rider. Just a few years ago, I called up the Racing Form, retrieved this horse's past history and through the process of elimination Chris Antley was the jockey on my horse!

The second event happened five years later and I step into a beauty school and I tell the teacher I work with racehorses. The teacher asks," Do I know Chris Antley?" I was not in the horse racing world at that moment and it was out of context but definitely related.

The third event happened five years later, Chris Antley and horse racing were so far from my conscious mind but now I am thinking about him. I saw he was back riding in New York. I thought, "I must be psychic when it comes to him!"

The fourth event happened two years later as I didn't watch a Kentucky Derby in years. But, on May 1, 1999, I just felt like watching the Derby. I put the TV on and I see Chris Antley is riding a long-shot named Charismatic. I just knew he was going to win and they did!  That event would crystallize our connection!

Are you open to meaningful events that will link you to a deeper connection?

"Self-Knowledge is the Jewel of all Knowledge."-Serena Jade

Monday, March 24, 2014

The Soul Mate Prep Blog#52: Is your body in the best possible condition?

Many, many moons ago, Plato said , I think a good soul by its virtue provides a body in the best possible condition.

I feel when one understands their soul, one knows their body is a vehicle for their journey. One instinctively knows to take care of their transportation for their lifetime. It is not vain to look and feel your best.

However, when our emotions are not working with our ego mind, we will hide our soul under the wicked emotions of shame and guilt. Shame and guilt translates to an overweight out of shape body.

Are you hiding your soul with an overweight body?

How are you taking care of your body?

"Self-Knowledge is the Jewel of all Knowledge."-Serena Jade
   Author/Speaker/An Autodidact of the Body, Mind, and Soul
         Do you have the Self-Discipline to be your own Guru?