
Showing posts with label Twin souls. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Twin souls. Show all posts

Monday, August 4, 2014

The Soul Mate Prep Blog#72: Are we immortal?

When my father died, I could not accept we live and then just die. It did not make sense to me.

Most people accept one of two thought systems, either this unknown thing called the soul goes to heaven or we just die and that is it.

I did not adhere to either of these thoughts when my father died. Not to mention, my father died months after Chris and I stopped crossing paths and we were waking each other up to our spiritual nature. But, that is my book Charismatic Connection, you might want to read it!

In the years after my father's death, I began to consciously wake up to my own soul. My soul which is intangible has been here many times before.

My father always used to say to my mother, "I was here before." He was waking up to his spiritual soul.

I thought the movie, I Origins portrayed the ancient wisdom of reincarnation very well.

Don't you want to know what happens when we die and not just assume we perish or this thing called the soul goes to heaven?

Are you ready to get in touch with your own soul?

"Self-Knowledge is the Jewel."-Serena Jade
Bringing unconscious wisdom to the world...

Monday, July 28, 2014

The Soul Mate Prep Blog#71: Do you think enmeshment is oneness?

Enmeshment is when personal boundaries are violated because we are influenced by outside authority.

As a society, we assume oneness means enmeshment-we are one with our beloved. Enmeshment creates the common dominate and submissive. This is not an equal relationship!

One person wants control over the other, making the other person subservient. The person with the control eventually takes the other person for granted and has become an extension, thus is not seen as a separate person. Therefore, the one with the control does not think highly of the other. This is not oneness!!!

"True oneness is when two autonomous people, recognize the soul in another and become one at their spiritual essence but remain two separate autonomous people."-Serena Jade

Do you think you can be one without enmeshment?

"Self-Knowledge is the Jewel"-Serena Jade
Bringing unconscious wisdom to the world...

Monday, July 21, 2014

The Soul Mate Prep Blog# 70: Do you allow yourself to focus inward?

We live in an outer-directed world, where an inner focus is frowned upon.

What is an inner focus?

An inner focus is reflecting and understanding one's limitations. We can easily blame an outside source but ultimately, we are our own hero.

When we are free of outside influence, we are autonomous. When we have autonomy, we can live from the heart, which connects our personality to our soul and live our purpose.

Do you have peace?

If you are trying to control your environment, your inner life is in disarray!

Are you ready to focus inward?

"Self-Knowledge is the Jewel."-Serena Jade

Monday, July 7, 2014

The Soul Mate Prep Blog#68: Are the values of a traditional marriage really what you want?

The traditional marriage was first and foremost about survival. Survival of civilization, families, our species and ourselves.

In the west, we don't think of marriage is for survival, we think we are marrying for love. Today, we associate doing equal chores for an egalitarian relationship!

Friedrich Nietzsche stated: As society changes, we need to change our values. It is simple idiotic to attempt to live by the values of another age.

If you observe, you will notice people are unconsciously marrying for survival needs! We NEED security, we exploit for money and sex. We mindlessly procreate and we demonstrate our power or lack of power with another.

Are you willing to change your old values and live by new ones?

If so, this means you will consciously balance the needs of survival first and then marry. Are you ready to marry for love and not survival?

"Self-Knowledge is the Jewel."-Serena Jade
Bringing unconscious wisdom to the world...

Monday, June 30, 2014

The Soul Mate Prep Blog#67: We are living in the free world but are you taking it for granted?

I was broken into submission by my mother at a very young age. I didn't have the freedom to separate from my mother like most people.

However, living in the free world gave me the freedom to understand the dysfunction I was brought up with. In so doing, I became aware that our society mates for unconscious survival needs. Emotionally, we are still living in the 13th century, when it comes to coupling!

We have so many freedoms in the west, where one can live on their own and understand and transform into a whole human being. When we become whole, we can live happily ever after!

Neo-Platonism that transpired in the early centuries of this Common Era and was revived in the European Renaissance believed human perfection and happiness were attainable in this world, without awaiting an afterlife. They knew self-knowledge was the key to achieve heaven on earth! However, they were not living in a free world, but we are! 

Why are you not taking advantage of our freedom?

"Self-Knowledge is the Jewel of all Knowledge."-Serena Jade


Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The Soul Mate Prep Blog#58:Do you belong to You?

I don't want to sit at the head of the table
I don't need to be lord of the house
All I'm asking for is you and I to be lovers

The above lyrics are from You Belong to You, a new song by Johnny Hates Jazz.

Observe our world and you will notice MOST relationships and must likely all, are on a parent to a child level. One person wants control over the other (The Parent). The other is more than likely to obey (child).

Only until we become conscious of this dynamic, it will not change. It takes a well-developed man to be an equal with their lover. It takes a well-developed woman to be an equal with their man.

Until this imbalance is resolved, a soul mate will be beyond your reach. Click on the link below to view the profound lyrics to another new Johnny Hates Jazz song...
The Soul Mate Prep Blog: The Soul Mate Prep Blog#33: Do you want to hear a...: I can see it in your eyes you're a spirit I recognize feelings I can't explain and I don't even know your name Do we only ...

Are you ready to resolve the parent and child relationship?

"Self-Knowledge is the Jewel." -Serena Jade


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Soul Mate Prep Blog#41: Do you want to create heaven on earth?

One's lack of emotional autonomy and confidence creates an imbalance of power in relationships. When one is free and independent, one will have healthy boundaries with another. One will own their thoughts and feelings (fear/doubt).So, one does not have to control someone else.

This interdependent couple: are two separate people who own their own space. Couples who see themselves as two separate people are less inclined to take one another for granted.

In a soul mate connection it is paramount to see each other as two separate people. The dysfunctional enmeshment in a traditional relationship cannot be sustained in a soul mate connection. Soul Mates "see" and "know" each other from a deep place. In order for soul mates to embrace as ONE, they need to be 2 separate people. Their relationship is based upon equal power which leads to a mutual emotional give and take...real intimacy!

Are ready to become free and independent?

                            Serena Jade
Author/Speaker/Body, Mind, and Soul Consultant

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Soul Mate Prep Blog#36: Does matter and antimatter in physics mirror the ultimate soul mate?

A child's drawing of matter and antimatter at CERN!
Cern-The European Nuclear Research Center in Geneva-on the Franco-Swiss border.

Physics-comes from the Greek, "knowledge of nature." Physics is a science to understand how the universe behaves.

Every particle in the universe created out of the Big Bang appears to have a partner particle. Physicists right now only see matter. However, they understand the universe produced about as much  matter as antimatter.

When matter and antimatter meet they create a third entity-energy!

Physicists know matter and antimatter are always produced as a pair. The same energy but it's opposite charge, a mirror image. The ancients Greeks knew of the Atom but they couldn't prove it.

The matter and antimatter story could certainly mirror Plato's understanding, it was their very essence that had been split in two, so each half missed its other half.-Symposium

When matter and antimatter meet it is said, "they will annihilate or there will be an explosion of joy! "

Which do you want an annihilation or joy?

If you choose joy, then it takes a tremendous amount of inner understanding. Are you ready to take the arduous journey up steep hills and down vast valleys to reunite? 
                            Serena Jade
Author/Speaker/Body, Mind, and Soul Consultant

Monday, October 21, 2013

The Soul Mate Prep Blog#29: Are you making a list for what you want in a soul mate?

Joseph Campbell said, "But I take you as my center, and you are my bliss, not the wealth that you bring me, not the social prestige, but you.That is following your bliss."

When we make a list about what we want from a soul mate, and when someone comes along and meets that criteria, we have found the One!

I have to ask you, who do you think is making the list?

Your answer is you, however, it is your ego that has a set standard NOT your soul!

If I had made a list years ago, before I crossed paths with Chris (my book Charismatic Connection you might want to read it), my ego's items would have been too small.The gift Chris gave me was a profound awakening of an eternal love.That gift is not measured in the material world.  I saw HIM first and his gorgeous looks, status and wealth were second!

"Throw away the list and connect with your soul.The ego is too limited or inflated for what your soul can bring you, both materially and non-material!"-Serena Jade

Are you ready to throw away the list?

"Self-Knowledge is the Jewel."-Serena Jade
Bringing unconscious Social/Mystical wisdom to the world...